1-Start Line

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The school didn't look like much.
Sure, its alumni and reputation were well known, but it's security was lax and it seemed like all the money they put into its size and grandeur would've been put to better use on security, stability, and quality.
Brushing her hair from her eyes, the girl made her way inside where the Exam Orientation was being held.
Present Mic was way too loud and peppy.
As he explained the exam, the girl's senses wandered, picking up a boy muttering to himself and another next to him who seemed pretty ticked.
A third guy pointed out what appeared to be a mistake on the printout they were all given then called out the muttering boy who clapped his hands over his mouth and let out a muffled whimper of an apology bringing about restrained laughter from the other examinees.
Present Mic explained that the robot was worth zero points and wasn't worth the effort to fight.
After he went over everything, the examinees headed out to take the exam.
While all the examinees were oohing and awing over the sheer size of the place, the girl observed each person in the same Battle Center as her.
There were about fifty over all and aside from a handful, none seemed all that capable.
Several others began to size each other up as well, writing off smaller examinees with no physical manifestation of a Quirk or those who looked even the slightest bit nervous.
The girl darted her eyes around warily and shoved her hands into her pockets, hunching her shoulders to make herself look smaller. A weaker target.
Use anything and everything to your advantage. Rule two.
"Right, let's start!"
All heads turned to a skyscraper-like structure back at the school's main buildings. Present Mic stood at the top.
"Get moving!
"There are no countdowns in real battles."
He began waving his arm like a windmill, "Run, run, run, listeners!" Then he threw up both his arms as he continued, "You're wasting airtime here."
Turning back to the Battle Center, the girl saw that everyone had already bolted inside.
She smirked to herself, pulling her hands from her pockets and straightening up.
"Child's play."
Then she vanished
"Six minutes and two seconds left!"
The girl looked around from the roof of the building she was on, listening to the racket of her peers fighting both the targets and each other for points.
Five robots appeared in thin air around the building she was on before crashing down below.
She frowned slightly, puzzled.
Present Mic hadn't given them the amount of robots in each Battle Center, the examinees were given limited time and had to cover a vast area to find all the faux villains, and she hadn't run into the zero-pointer yet.
Did someone destroy it already?
Apprehension sent a shiver down her back.
She had a bad feeling about this.
Suddenly, the ground began to rumble and taut, thick metal cords and wires either snapped or released, whipping into the air as the ground and buildings were destroyed off to the girl's right, sending rubble and clouds of dirt into the air.
A large, hulking shadow proceeded the rumbling and whirring of tire treads which belonged to a robot that dwarfed the buildings.
"How the hell did they hide that."
The murmuring worries of the examinees turned to screams as the robot brought a huge fist to the ground, sending wind and dirt in a shockwave that the girl's peers had to lean into to avoid being blown over by.
Then everyone ran for it.
The girl crouched on the roof, watching near the robot's treads while ignoring those running away. They were well enough to flee.
"Less than two minutes remaining!"
Oddly enough, the girl saw her before she heard her.
The dust and dirt further ahead of the robot cleared revealing a pile of debris and a pair of gloves and clothes flailing around at a particularly large piece of concrete.
The girl vanished from the roof, catching the collars of two boys on the ground who both choked on the sudden tightening of their shirts before they halted.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
The black-haired, plain-looking boy's expression held a mix of shock and anger while the blond with a black horizontal bolt in his hair looked mostly shocked.
"I need your help," the girl began dragging them off down the street. "Come with me."
"Woah, woah, woah," the blond panicked. "You want us to go towards the giant robot?!"
"Are you crazy," the other voiced.
"Look at the rubble in front of it."
The boys looked down for the first time since that robot appeared instead of up or away.
They gasped.
"Is that an examinee," the black-haired boy breathed, both now turning to pick up the pace.
"Her Quirk makes her invisible. I need you two to get her out from under there. I'll take care of the robot."
"Are you insane," the blond shouted once more.
"It'll kill you!"
The girl smirked, "We'll see. Now get going!"
She vanished once more only to reappear between the debris pinning the examinee down and the robot.
"Just one minute left!"
Straightening up, the girl took a deep breath, holding her hands palm out towards the large faux villain.
Putting all of her focus into the task at hand, she barely registered the sounds of the two boys reaching the girl and beginning to move the chunk of concrete.
The girl pictured any and all intact smaller robots in the Battle Center appearing in an isolated area further away from her and her peers, then she imagined the giant one in front of her reappearing in the sky above the other robots, pouring her will into those two images.
She could feel pretty much all her energy leave her as the huge zero-point robot disappeared from in front of her only to fall from the sky about half a mile away.
The resounding crashes, explosions, and shaking ground proceeded a weak shockwave that rustled the girl's hair.
Breathing slow and ragged, she turned to the three examinees behind her, the boys having managed to get the girl free.
"Are you alright?"
The ones she could see just gawked at her.
"What in the world was that," the black-haired boy whispered while the blond nodded his agreement.
The girl wanted to smile at the looks on their faces, but she was too drained.
"My Quirk is teleportation. As long as I know what or whom I'm teleporting and where to, the only drawback is the size or amount of whatever I'm teleporting and the distance between points A and B."
The black-haired boy grinned, "That's amazing!"
The blond nodded violently.
The girl pushed the hair from her eyes, shrugging her shoulders uncomfortably, "It's nothing special."
Then, she focused on where she figured the face of the invisible girl was, "Are you alright?"
"Huh? Oh! Yeah, just a little banged up. Thanks for saving me!"
The girl's lips twitched, "It's no problem. That's why we're here anyways, right? To help others?"
The black-haired boy blinked before smiling wider, "You make a good point," he scratched the back of his neck looking rather sheepish. "I'm Hanta Sero, by the way."
"Oh, yeah," the blond spoke, "I'm Denki Kaminari."
"And I'm Toru Hagakure," the invisible girl introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you all," the girl put her hands in her pockets once more, "I'm Maaya Akatsuki."
"And that's it. Time's up!"
An alarm blared through the Battle Center as the four looked around then at each other.
"It's over already," Sero looked upset.
"That's what happens when something unexpected happens," the girl shrugged, "it takes up more time than you thought. Come on," she walked by the three of them, "let's get out of here. I'm sure Recovery Girl is on standby for anyone who's injured."
"Recovery Girl?"
Maaya let a chuckle slip, "She's U.A.'s nurse. Her Quirk allows her to jumpstart another person's healing; she's the reason exams like this can even be held."
Understanding dawned on the three behind her and another smile tugged at her lips.
"Come on you three. All we can do now is head home and hope we passed."
Crushing realization brought Sero, Kaminari, and Hagakure back to reality as the examinees made their separate ways home, nerves eating at many.
A week had passed since the practical exam, and Maaya had slept through most of it.
Teleporting that robot had taken a lot out of her, and she was glad the written exam was beforehand.
She had just eaten dinner in her small apartment and, after cleaning up, lay on her couch, fiddling with her ball chain necklace.
Based on her own estimates, Maaya breezed through the written part of the exam with relative ease and gained at least seventy-five points in the mock battle.
Thinking over her theory once more only solidified her belief that the points gained from the robots were only part of the practical, otherwise they never would've had that giant zero-pointer show up near the end, they would've had it at the beginning.
Unless, the principal just liked hazing students as well as testing their character, which, now that Maaya thought about it, seemed probable; especially since she would have done the same.
Feeling an anxious tingle shoot down her back, Maaya stood to go check for mail once more in the past few days.
The only thing she received was a white envelope with 'U.A. High School' written on the bottom right hand corner, the school's official red seal, and a disk-like object inside it.
Returning inside and kicking off her shoes, Maaya plopped back onto the couch.
Leaning over the coffee table, she slipped her thumb under the seal to open her test results and pulled out what was indeed a disk-like object.
It began to glow and whirr as it powered up, and she set it on the table as a projection appeared of the world's number one pro hero, All Might.
"Booyah! I am here as a projection now!"
While his signature smile was still in place, he looked sort of run down.
He must have had to record one for each individual examinee.
Maaya snorted.
"The truth is, I didn't come to this city just to fight villains. You're looking at the newest UA faculty member!"
Maaya raised a brow. Not a few sentences in and she knew he talked with his body as well as his mouth.
"Moving on." He cleared his throat, "You passed the written test with flying colors and managed to accumulate a shocking one hundred and thirteen combat points in the practical exam. Very clever to use the zero-point target to take out a group of them..."
Her other brow rose to join its twin. Over a hundred? Guess there were more leftover robots than anticipated.
"Also, there were other factors.
"You see, the practical exam was not graded on combat alone.
"How could a hero course not include factors for those who are committed to saving others, no matter the consequences to themselves? After all, that is what makes a hero.
"And that's what my alma mater is all about. Training those who would risk their lives for the greater good."
The screen changed to show a scoreboard.
"So, we have Rescue Points!
"A panel of judges watches, and they award points for heroic acts beyond just fighting villains.
"Maaya Akatsuki, sixty Rescue Points!
"And Hanta Sero and Denki Kaminari, forty Rescue Points!
"You three, as well as Toru Hagakure, all passed the exam."
All Might faced the screen, holding out his hand.
"Welcome, Maaya Akatsuki.
"You have made it. You're now part of the hero academia."
There was a pause before the projection faded and the disk shut down.
The apartment was silent.
Slowly reaching into her pocket, Maaya pulled out her phone and typed in a number she had memorized.
Bringing it to her ear, it rang twice before being answered.
The other end was silent.
"I have successfully passed the exams, sir... I'm in."
"Well done. Do not raise any suspicions from the faculty or your peers."
"Yes, sir."
The line went dead.
Maaya set her phone beside the disk before falling sideways across the couch.
Turning onto her back, unwanted and indecipherable emotions swirling through her, she faced the ceiling.
"Everything's going to change. Isn't it?"

Lost Blood (BnHA/MHA x OCs) 1/?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن