Chapter 26

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It had passed two days already and I was still waiting for Lisa's call "Hey just let her have some space alright." Marcus said. I just hoped Lisa wasn't going to do anything that she would regret.

"Hey." I was the biggest fool with my huge smile showing when I said hi to my blonde goddess "hi." She said back with a smile of her own. "So guys you ready to go to the fun fair?" Marcus said excited like a kid, we all laughed at he's enthusiasm "not yet. Jenna isn't ready yet." We decided to go to the fun fair at our beach, people said it would be fun and new so we decided to check it out.

When Jenna finally finished getting ready we headed to the beach. When we got there we all wanted to do different things. Marcus dragged Cee to the scary rides while Jenna followed them to check up on them like a mother and me and Kim decided to play so arcade games.

"Hey can I have a go." The man that was in charge of the game I wanted to play told me it would be 5 dollars. "Which one do you want." Nodding my head towards the many different stuffed animals which she smiled in return "the big pooh bear." She said avoiding my eyes while smirking "of course."

I managed to get a bullseye so I was able to get my blonde her pooh bear. After the game we just wanted to walk and talk "tell me about where you live now." I didn't know what to tell her, nothing much really happened where I live "nothing much, just got a new house somewhere else and made friends." I could tell by the corner of my eyes she was looking at me "what kinda friends?" Bingo, I knew she was going to ask that and that's exactly what I didn't want to talk about it. "Friends.... like Marcus." I tried to avoid what she wanted to talk about "so mysterious? Starting a relationship with secrets." I stopped walking and dragged her somewhere silent and kissed her.

While we were grabbing each other and kissing hungrily I spoke in between our kisses "it*doesn't*matter*" when does words came out of my mouth she stopped our kiss and shook her head "it matters to me." Before I could say anything someone spoke for me, someone I was expecting to be here "it matters because you just want to know if she hasn't been screwing around when you broke up but we both know Sam and what she likes the most." What in the world is Lisa doing here and I did get the behind meaning of the 'most thing I like' meaning sex which Kim also got it by house she completely moved away from me and now was staring daggers at Lisa and Lisa was doing the same thing.

"Who are you." Kim said with such venom it brought shivers down my body and from what I saw it phases Lisa too but it didn't stop her from having the last dig "I'm the girl she was screwing." HOLY SHIT 'she just said that' "wowowow, Lisa how are you?" I tried to say In a calm tone "I came too see you and Carol came too, she's with Marcus and the other girls." She was speaking to me but her gaze was on Kim "you could've called or told me you were coming at least." She laughed "I'm pretty sure you would of had stopped me from coming so your damsel in distress wouldn't be hurt.... or threatened." She was smirking now still looking at Kim "threatened?.." Kim replied smiling, from a outsiders view it might seem like a sweet smile but I know Kim and that's her 'your dead' smile "...last time I checked she's here starting a new relationship with me not back there with you." And that's what it took for Lisa to let her anger go "You FUCKING BITCH!" She charged towards Kim while Kim charged towards Lisa.

"Stop!!!" I yelled in between them, which by the way I was getting their hits. "Your acting like children, both of you STOP!" I tried again but they wouldn't listen "move out the way sam so I can rip some of the bitches blonde hair!" Lisa yelled trying to grab Kim's hair "no one will rip anyone's hair!" I grabbed both her wrist, bad choice because as soon as I held her, Kim jumped on my back and grabbed onto Lisa's red hair "who's ripping who's hair bitch." Kim yelled and laughed like a maniac. "Kim stop!" Before I realise what's happening all three of us are on the ground on top of each other "Jesus you could of called me for a fourth some sam" Marcus joked "help me instead of saying stupid shit."

"Alright. So now sense we're all calm can we talk about it and apologise to one another." I spoke towards Kim and Lisa who were both red faced out of anger and had messy hairs and dirty clothes from rolling around on the floor . "It was hot." Marcus said making everyone look at him with a disgusted face. "Anyways, guys, just apologise. This was a stupid thing to argue about." Kim let out a humourless laugh "you didn't feel that way about Jake and your argument." She smartly said with a pissed off look "that was different..." I said defensively "...he kissed you!" This made her get up and violently stamp her hands on the table looking at me "HE kissed me and SHE was FUCKED BY YOU!" She shouted making everyone cover their ears 'my goddess can be scary when she wants to.' I looked at everyone and everyone was agreeing with Kim by their expression, only Lisa wasn't, she was just smirking at the comment about us fucking and how pissed Kim got.

Another 20 minutes went by and we were still on no talking terms, Marcus was acting like nothing was happening, making his sex jokes. Cee and Jenna were just have some cute moments, but sometimes Jenna would give me a stern look. On the other hand Lisa was smirking watching Kim and me and Kim was just furious she wouldn't even look at me, in fact she even moved seats away from me.

"Okey this is pathetic..." Jenna started to speak "... they slept together in the past Kim but you do have a right to be pissed. And Sam you had no right to get angry at Kim and Jake when you weren't together when the kiss happened." I nodded just so we can move on even though I still hate Jake "And Lisa nice to meet you. I'm Jenna and this is my future wife Cee and if you ever piss of my best friend I'll help her kill you, and bury you somewhere." Kim started to grin after that protective comments from Jenna making Lisa roll her eyes. "We should go home then." This time it was Cee that spoke and we all agreed.

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