Love Hurts

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Its been 5 maybe 7 months when we first encountered the turtles. We fought them and the others so many times but we always fail. They kept telling us they can help us get away from my mother. We ignored their talk but we still lost even when we badly hurt them. To make this worst, my mother is very pissed at us that she hit us in front of her minions. It...'sniff'....hurts......'sniff'...I-I-I-I...dont want to...Fail. Not....again

We lost another fight between the turtles and we escape in the middle of the battle. But an idea popped up into my mind, 'I should follow the turtle. Maybe they'll lead me to their lair.' "I'll be back", I told them then left my confused sisters to go back to our lair. I followed the turtles for the night without them realizing I was following them. Soon they head to a sewer hole, I follow suit and they finally took me to their lair. I texted Emily and Chole to meet at a building that was close by to the turtle's lair. I left and went to the building.

I waited...waited...waited...they finally came. I looked at Emily, she has a new bruise on her left cheek, and a cut on her forehead. Chole had new cuts on each cheek and on her nose. I had a bruise on my head, eye, and 8on my neck. I even have cuts on my bruises. (If that's impossible) "Let me guess, it took you guys so long to come here because of mother", I said about to cry. They both nodded and also about to cry. I could tell they have new injuries before I left them. I leaned against the curve of the building we were on. I slowly slide down to sit down onto the ground with my back on the curve. "W-w-w-why would s-s-s-she do this to u-u-u-us", I said starting to cry. Emily stomped the floor making a small hole, "It was all the turtle's fault; they made mother do this to us. We had finally had the upper hand but they had to come back. They had to show us they weren't afraid of us nor our mother. They....they just made it worse", she said while crying with anger. She stomped the floor again, "This was a bad idea to came here. W-w-w-why are we here? We should've had just left, went to different places, and never see each other again. W-w-w-we should have done that but now we're stuck here in this hell hole", Chole cried out. She ran towards me and Emily than gave us a hug, "I don't want to go back to the lair anymore", Chole spoke. Her body was shaking badly, 'We should get an award for acting.' "We can help..." We all heard a familiar voice and turned to see the enemy in front of us. "Why would you help us?", Emily said wiping her remaining tears off her cheeks. We saw the turtles even April, Karai, and Casey all standing together. Yeah, we know their names. We heard the blue mask, Leo, say their names out loud while we were fighting. We even know his brother's names like the red mask one name is Ralph, the orange mask one name is Mikey, the last one, the purple mask one name is Donnie. The red hair girl name is April and the boy with the hockey mask is Casey. "We overheard your guys conversation and saw what she was doing to you guys", Casey said. "So we're giving you girls a chance to get away from your abusive mother and come with us", Ralph said. 'They didn't use if it was a deal, or we promise, or is that a bet. They're really are stupid. Oh, I have a great plan in mind now.' I slowly put one of my hands behind me and took a sleeping bomb gas. I smiled, "You guys would do that! How pathetic...", I threw them the sleep gas bomb. They all started to cough and then they all fall onto the ground. Luckily, I and my sisters were wearing our masks on when I throw the sleep bomb.

Mother will be pleas about this

Leo pov

I woke up and saw I was in some sort of a cell. I started to remember what happened, 'They trick us. what Karai said their like this because of Rose.' I walk up to the bars and looked around to see my brothers plus the others were still sleeping. I looked around a bit until I saw someone. Someone that I don't know, "Hey who are you?", they turned around and looked at me. "They only did this route is because she lost a bet from her", they said. "W-what? What do you mean?", after I said that "she" wasn't there anymore. 

Different people: Tmnt Leo x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now