#1= Countercurrent

928 18 7

1800 a.c, Tortuga (Haiti)

"Y/N?....Y/N!? Where are ya no good lazy bitch?!" A unpleasantly vile, husky voice called your name through the flimmering hot air of the midday sun burning down on the small city relentlessly, ungently waking you from your loos half sleep under the safe harbour the shadow of a crooked palm tree provided you with. Only very reluctantly, and with creeking limbs you responded to the call of your boss, the owner of a shabby, shady, and foremost filthy bar by the ugly name of "The kraken's eye". With half closed eyelids and drowsy vision you march through the crowded, fetid streets towards the bars entrance.

You had lived in this place since you could remember, one of the number one pirate hotspots worldwide. Was it a pain in the ass? Of course it was, most of them were drunken airheads that wanted thour things in life, money, freedom, prostitutes, and lots of rum to spare. And even if it was a meaningless existence of hardships and plundering, you would have give anything to have it, that boundless life of a fearless sea robber, sailing the seven seas as a legend; as a free spirit. But that was all that is was, a dream, so endlessly far out of reach and yet right in front of you every day in the bar, it made you green with envy.

With a deep sigh you sneak insides, the immediate gust of the familiar putrid air blowing in your face. The scent of fouled fish, dust, sharp liquor, sweat, and foremost thick cigar smoke clouding the air; what a place this was indeed. But you had no point to complain, it was all you had to get the needed money. The corpulent bastard of a man you had the displeasure calling your boss was as expected standing behind the counter lacklusterly washing out beer glasses, a gloomy expression on his dougy face as he spotted you creeping into the building.

"Hey Y/N, about time ya showed ya face around here. Your shift started ten minutes ago, better get to it or ill beat ya red and blue ya useless, attenuated bitch." The oily man snarled at you over the countertop, getting little to no response from you, the degrading tone was nothing new to you; so you walk by him to grab your dull metallic tray silently.

Ever since your careless mother had been together with that disgusting human being out of pure desperation, you had little to no chance but to work here. No matter how degrading it was, and no matter how much you wanted the paunchy bastard to have a heart attack, you knew you had to keep your cool if you didn't want to starve and die a horrible death on the streets. Or even worse, end up in some cheap bordel. No, you'd rather keep working here then end up like your mother, not in a million years were you prepared to be like her; make the same mistakes and suffer the same ill fate as she had lived through.

With great disinterest you went about your bland routine, every tiny hand twitch done a million times before, every step taken countless times, only the faces changed. From taking orders, to serving, it was all a soul draining chore, but one you deemed necessary to not starve on this god forsaken, cutthroat dumpster of a island. Tortuga had been a pirate hotspot for years now, a safe harbor for the wild outlaws of the unpredictable ocean, well; mostly the indian ocean but that's besides the point, the seven seas had a way better ring to it.

From what you knew you were merely born a illegitimate child of a pirate and a prostitute mother, which really wasn't a rare occurrence around these parts of the world. Pirates were more of a fascination you viewed on from afar then anything else. Sure, you wished nothing more then to join some crew and sail as far away from this place then humanly possible, explore the world, plunder the european trade ships, feared by soldiers and loved by pesanty...But those were unrealizable dreams, a girl had no chance to even board a pirate ship, let alone become a pirate.

The only comfort you could really find were in the fierce tales that pirates around the bar told whilst drinking and gambling here, from vast riches, monsters, exotic places with beaches of pure gold, to the most outlandish sea battles with the navy one could possible dream up. Yes, these tales truly warmed your heart, they made you feel so alive.

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