Chapter 39

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Sorry I haven't been updating. I've been pretty busy with school since it's nearing exams (I'm failing maths I swear to god) but yeh. Also the updates are going to be slow for that reason. Other than that, enjoy. Kinda...

She smiled sheepishly again. "She's, um, upset. She said she only wants to see one person. She won't say who, she's too busy drawing to listen to anyone. It might not be you, but I can allow you to go check up on her. She's going to need a friend in a dark time like this," The receptionist explained. "Can you take me to her?" I asked. "Yes. But I have to remind you, the tests we run on her show that she isn't mentally stable," She rubbed the back of her neck. "You run tests? What? What do you mean she's not stable? That she has to stay in one of those white rooms?" I inquired, my stomach sinking. "No. Not at all. She's just got one of the worst cases of depression. I'm not sure about much, I only know what the sources say. If she wants to, she'll tell you. Follow me,"

I didn't say anything after that. I couldn't think straight. My palms were sweaty, and my heart was beating fast. I felt flushed and nervous. My legs were shaky and I took no notice whatsoever into the dark scenary. I noticed the whole place was white. That's it. My mind failed to comprehend any words. 

I crashed into the blonde haired receptionist, making an 'oof'. She knocked on the door which read 378. I took notice into that so I knew where to go if I wanted to visit. Just saying that sentence kills me on the inside. Visit a mental institute in order to see the one I love. 

She knocked on the door before entering. "Umm. Miss Calaway, a Scottish-" I cut her off. "Irish," I corrected. "Sorry, Irish 'lad' is here to see you," She gave her a sweet smile. I failed to see Y/N because she was only looking threw a faint opening. "I. Um. Yeah. Cool," She muttered. If she was drawing, I could guarantee that she had her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth. "Is he allowed in?" The receptionist asked. "If he wants," She sounded so casual, like she was just in her own bedroom, at her own home. The receptionist smiled at me and let me in. "Just press the button when your done. We're required to keep the door locked," She kept the same smile which was becoming creepy. 

Once the door was shut she threw the pencil and book down and ran over to me, attacking me with one of the tightest hugs I'd ever experienced. "I'm sorry," She sobbed, letting the tears out. "It's okay. Kinda. I mean... you're here and that's not okay, and you were once again inches away from death.... that's also not okay, but.." I rambled. "Just shut up," She whispered. I did. She cupped my face. "You don't understand how much I love you," she sighed. "How much I just want all this to end and we can go back to how we used to be. Except without Laurel wanting you for herself. Just me and you. In the ring. Dominating any and every opponent. The power couple of WWE. And at the end of the day, the only worry being forgetting to book a hotel beforehand," She explained, tears still flowing. "I know baby, so do I. But we'll get through it. You're strong and believe me, you can fight through this. And I'll be with you every step of the way. I promise those days will come. But we have to earn them. The saying goes, 'it always rains before the rainbow,'" I encouraged. 

She smiled and pulled me in for the most passionate kiss we've ever had. I tangled my hand in her hair, rubbing my thumb on her head. She wrapped her scarred arms around my neck, tightly, making it impossible to pull away. There wasn't any lust, just love, passion at emotions. It was long but I  wanted more. Not in that way, but I just wanted her. To have her closer to me, to kiss her soft, pink lips forever. To love her. You might say I have that, but it's hard to explain. 

Eventually, she pulls away from me, both of us gasping for air. Her E/C eyes shone, a nice sparkle in the center. "I'm sorry," She blushed. I chuckled. "No need. I think we both needed that. And the fight... what I said... I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean any of it. I love you more than words can say. But if that fight was the trigger for your, umm... attempt," She cut me off with a cute sigh. "It wasn't you. Mostly. I went home, changed, was unhappy, went for a walk and got a few texts from an unkown number. My emotions. My depression got the best of me and... yeah.. I guess we're lucky," She tried her best to force a smile, but it was a fail. 

I took her back to the bed in the corner of the room where she was drawing. I picked it up. What I saw shocked me. 

It was a picture of me and her getting married. There was a heart surrounding us. Broken hearts surrounded Y/N but full hearts surrounded me and went with the broken ones. 

"Gra... what's this?" I questioned. Her face was so red. "Umm..." She rubbed her covered arm. "This is you and I getting married. And the hearts surrounding us," She sighed before explaining. "The fact we're getting married is what I wish for. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're the only non-family member I've had that's been there for me all the time. The broken hearts is my depression but the hearts that surround you. That's my light. You always make me feel better. Like you're my medicine. As Trippie Redd said, 'your love is my medicine' and I think I'm addicted. The big heart shows the love we have for each other, and that it's overpowering everything else," 

My heart melted. That made me fall in love with her all over again. Her creative mindset is one of the main reasons I developed a crush on her altogether. "It's stupid, I know but my emotions got the better of me. They were in control," She admitted. I kissed her again, pulling her down to sit on the bed with me. "I love you," I mumbled into the kiss. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you too. I want you to be there when I retire. When I'm injured. When I lose somebody. If I lose any Lego," 

She pushed me away. "There's cameras in here. I'd do it but I'm not having it recorded," She blushed. I looked for the camera and found it. I took off her hoodie and wrapped it around the camera. "Better?" I asked. She hid her arms by folding them. I grabbed her hands and kissed her scars. "These," I nodded to them. "They show that you're strong. That you survived the dark times of life. That you were struck down but didn't stop fighting. That you was close to defeat but you're winning. Don't you dare be ashamed of them, especially around me. I don't care, I just love you for who you are, scars can't change that," I explained. She stopped resisting and rested her head on my shoulder. 

I kissed her cheek a few times, a few pecks to her forhead before kissing her jawline, and then her neck. She didn't resist like I thought she would. Instead she let out a faint moan. I kept kissing and sucking that spot, leaving a hickey. 

I stopped and she looked at me with confused and longing eyes. "Why'd you stop?" She asked, cutely. "Because I know if I keep going... I really don't wanna say this. We'll get carried away. I'll get carried away. You aren't ready. It hasn't even been a week. I don't want to rush into things because I don't want to lose you," I admitted. 

She looked down. "Cuddles?" She gave me puppy eyes, looking  back up me. My heart melted once again.  "You know I can't say no," I smiled, practically pouncing on her, laying our heads on the somewhat soft pillows. She curled up in my chest and made the cutest smile. I wrapped my arm around her and held her tightly. 

The door opened.

"Fergal! What happened to 'I'll be out in half an hour?'" Mark asked, making me jump off Y/N. "1. I never said that, 2. why didn't you knock?" I questioned, embarrassed. "Nevermind. I'll wait another half hour. That's it," Mark sighed before leaving. "Did he even notice me or was so pissed off and tired he just didn't care?" Y/N asked. I pretended to think for a moment. "Probably both," She giggled. 

We went back to cuddling. We were silent. Y/N eventually drifted off in my arms and I didn't want to let her go. I had to go. "Bye, gra," I whispered, pecking her cheek. "I love you," 

I left with that. I could only pray that she got out soon so we could live her dream. Together. 

Sorry for any mistakes

A Wrestlers Demonic Love Story: Finn Bálor x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat