Back story

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One night you had a fever no one knew what was wrong with you and no one wanted to take the risk of leaving you at the hospital since they were all wanted by police.

“John we have no choice man, we gotta get her some meds!” you can hear your friends arguing with the gang leader. You were hidden in the underground bunker your eyes just watched the fire from the candle dance. It was comforting, you were calm just watching the small flame dance around it soothed and cleared your thoughts of sickness.

The body of someone covers your view of the flame. “Hay, how ya doing kid?” A deep voice said in a forced whisper it can only be your leader John. You turned to look up at his face shadowed caused from the candle. “Some of gang left to get you medicine, just hold on a little longer kid.” You shake your head in a yes feeling his palm against your forehead. “Aww jesus your burning up kid. Hay dumbasses get me a wet towel she's burning up !”

John, your leader and the man who treated you more like his daughter tried his best to give you everything feels cornered. All he can do is watch you suffer with this mysterious fever. Heading up stairs to meet one of the gang members handing him the wet towel he thank them seeing everyone's worried face, you were the only girl in the gang but they all cared for you deeply. You were headstrong, fearless, challenging, but knew your limits. Apart from that you were gifted with talents your math wasn't great and you cared little for proper language but everything else from weapons, vehicles, electronics, strategizing and capability of reading people has lead the gang from living in a broken down house to the mansion they now live in.

John taking the role as your father worried for your safety and created the underground bunker just to keep you safe in case they were attacked by mafia or police. Your room was filled with books, 3 laptops, 5 phones, 3 radios that were used to listen to any broadcast from mafias, police or just regular people talking. The bed you laid in was a king size with long pillows for you to hug in comfort. He just spoiled you with materialistic things and you were always grateful thanking him and never asking for big things mostly for pencils, pens or  books.

You close your eyes feeling the wet towel on your forehead relaxing the headache that was coming.

(I chose Highly Suspect-Send me an angel song for this part of the story.)

“Boss! Boss!!” Your eyes open quickly hearing the panic and the sound of police sirens your heart races knowing one thing only, they found you. “You dumb mother fuckers why would you lead them back here! I will kill you!” Johns face tense with hate for who ever lead them back to the mansion. They've been hidden for 5 months and now it's all going to be gone. Everything they have worked for gone. But there's still hope!

He looks down at you seeing you sit up he shoves you back down. “Shut up kid keep quiet and never leave the room!”  

“The hell you talking about! I can fight give me a gun!” You shove him off getting up. No way in hell will you just stand back and let this all go down at least not without a fight. “Look kid there's no time for arguing! Stay here your sick and you need to stay alive!”

Gunshots are heard as one of the Gangsters falls down from the bunker stares his body twitching. “Simon!” You scream out realizing its your friend the one who was arguing about getting you help the one who would always share meals with you and count the stars with you is now lying cold and dead on the floor. “Shit!” John takes Simon's gun looking at you his eyes shaking realizing that they will find this bunker and you. If they find you they'll just kill you the empty feeling of being useless and powerless devours his mind.

You watch not able to cry just stand in shock seeing Simon just lay dead, knowing he isn't the only one dead. Your family is now being taken away your friends gone…

“God...send me an angel..” Is all you could say.

“Y/n be strong I want you to go to school make friends and use your talents for better things. Do not become trash. Please become stronger become someone better because in this world life owes us. Please forgive me.” John kisses your forehead softly holding you close in his embrace just like a father he is willing to die for his daughters life even if it means doing more harm than good.

“Police get down!” The Japanese police come in down the stairs John pulls you infront of him. The barrel of the gun pointing at yourr face. “She's my hostage I'll kill her before you take me down! I've killed her family and planned on using her as my whore !”

You felt your heart skip a beat struggling to breath. Your life's on the line you're now a hostage a shield used for John's life.

Your thoughts “Is, is he lying? Is this a plan?” Your mouth opens to say something but your slapped shut and your hairs pulled back by his hand. “Shut up you whore!”

Your eyes are shut closed praying this isn't real this isn't happening the man you trusted is now doing this to you!

Betrayed by who you called family by who you called father !  “I'll fucking do it” his finger squeezing the trigger your ears are filled with the loud bang of a gun that went off but you feel no pain. “For what it's worth I accept death..” Those were his last words. John let's go of your hair falling back with a red spot on the center of his head.

Gravity felt like weights on your body the feeling of your knees hitting the ground with your body shaking everything just went by so fast.  You dared not to look behind you look behind at the man that is now a past in your life. “Send me an angel!!” You scream out with tears.

***3 years pass***

You've joined school like John told you too as well you continued to hang with gangs since it's the easy way of getting cash for things you want. The taste for blood never left you, it followed you along with a spirit of rage your stand Galaxy’s hand. This stands ability is capable of mimicking any other stand and their abilities.

It thirst for blood as much as you do. Could this be the angel you have always prayed for, the angel that you desired in your life. Yes, why else would you have it. It's February the 13 you've been watching a police bar where all the policemen that were at the mansion hung out laughing and joking. They took away your family so now you'll take their lives and their families. The cool breeze blows at your hair as you begin to walk summoning your stand behind you.

The night sky was clear with a full moon with stars sparkling your friend Simon, today would have been his birthday he'd be 18 years old. Right now he would have been on the rooftop with you watching the stars  but instead you're in a bar filled with gunshots, screams, blood splatting across the windows and the sound of skin and bones being torn apart.

That night after your rampage you hid in an ally where a man named Rohan spotted you filled with blood. The man worried helped you and cared for you when you refused to tell him what happened he used Heaven's Door to read you. Instead of reporting you he decided to let you live alongside with him in return you would help him and the rest of the gang from any threats.

It wasn't long either that both of you begun to show some affection toward each other. You'd practice your drawing skills so that you can help him but his art style was so clean and simple while yours was just too simple. Although he loved your color ideas and how you would always point out some perverted shapes on his drawing.

Both of you just being weird in general was beautiful since he had no issue licking an insect you had no trouble kissing him while he eat.

Once more you felt happy with your life not only because you had Rohan but because you met Jotaro, Josuke, Okuyasu and the rest of the gang.

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