"I'm going to be fired, oh my gosh, I-I'm so stupid!" Farah exclaimed quickly, jumping up. "I am so very sorry Mr.Smith, but I must go. I hope you can get back on your own-?" Her voice was frantic, filled with worry for what would happen if she was late. When she was late.

"Calm yourself, I will be fine. Go along, we wouldn't want you getting fired now, would we?" he chuckled. Farah nodded, thanking him and apologizing for leaving on such short notice. With that, she then bolted back down the hill, picking up the skirts of her maid's dress as she ran as not to ruin it. She couldn't arrive late and have a messy dress, then she'd surely be fired and killed. 

How could she have been so oblivious! Today was the day Caspian arrived! All of the maids would be expected in the great hall, and she was going to make such a fool of herself. She took a detour, taking long, quick strides as she ran towards the palace. It was times like this that she was glad that she was partially athletic and lean, for if not she would be wheezing on the ground right now. Her feet made little to no sound as she ran, the bushes and trees rushing past her in a blur.

When she reached the palace she didn't even notice the carriage sitting there, empty. She just remembered she needed an excuse, and a good one, for if not, she would be destined to become unemployed. She stopped for a moment at the palace doors, taking a moment to catch her breath. When she felt she was alright, she threw open the doors.

The moment the doors parted she immediately began to speak, not even caring to look around her. She wasn't sure whether she should try and sneak in or automatically give in and beg for forgiveness. In the split decision she'd made, she'd chosen to beg. "Your Majesties, I am so very, very-" before she could finish, two figures spun around to meet her gaze, and her eyes widened.

There stood Caspian, but he was not like the old Caspian she remembered, this was a new, different Caspian—in appearance at least. His straight, dirty blonde hair was styled neatly in a regal fashion. Atop his head was a crown, and under light that streamed through the windows, it glistened a shade of gold. His eyes sparkled a lovely shade of hazel and were slightly wide, shocked as he looked at her. His light skin seemingly shining, he looked truly like a King.

Caspian's lips parted as if he wanted to say something but didn't know what, and Farah felt the same way. His frame was much more refined, and when Farah noticed she was staring she looked at the floor, only glimpsing for a moment at the other woman whom accompanied him.

Farah then heard the King speak, telling her in an angered tone to get over to the maid's side, where they were greeting Caspian and his aquatint, Princess Amara. Her face flushed in embarrassment as she walked over to them, still staring at the ground. She had thought that upon seeing Caspian they would reunite like old buddies. She had most definitely been wrong, for this change was sure to make others more attracted to the Prince; and she wondered how she would ever even get a chance to talk to him without people crowding the future King.

But little did she know that Caspian himself was having his own realizations. He had been talking to his father about how happy he was to be back, and was about to mention Farah, when he heard the doors clang open. He had spun around—along with Amara—to see who had caused such a racket of noise, and there she'd stood. His old friend had changed quite drastically since he had been gone. Her curly black hair was in a high ponytail, which now framed her face delicately, a small trace of freckles lining her nose.

Their eyes had met for a moment, and he had almost gasped, for her once muddy green eyes were now a bright hue of green. They reminded him of the happy days of summer, with the lush grass and brightly bloomed trees. Her full appearance differed also, as her once skinny body was now filled with a slight amount of muscle, and appeared more feminine. Her lips had parted for a moment as she watched him.

The Hands of FateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang