"Yes please."

"I'll print you two off, just incase you want to give the other to someone, maybe the father.", she replied as she captured the image before printing it off. Dr. Lewis handed me some tissue to wipe the gel off of my stomach before heading over the switch the lights back on.

I cleaned myself up and readjusted my clothing before shifting to sit up properly as she came back over with the pictures.

"I'll send you a letter for your next scan and check-up.", she spoke giving me a smile before leaving the room.

I just sat there as I stared at the pictures, this was it.

This was really happening.


"Look how cute it looks!", Trish beamed as she stared at the picture. "It's so small and just..awh!"

I rolled my eyes as I smiled at her fawning over it.

"I wonder who it'll look like most, you or Randy.", Any added as she looked over Trish's shoulder.

We was currently at Trish's place in Toronto, Amy had come up to stay and then we would all be traveling to North Carolina on Sunday, Amy's home state for Raw on Monday.

"Duh, us Stratigias' genes always dominate so it'll look like Melody.", Trish scoffed.

"I bet it'll look like Randy."

"Wanna bet? Fine let's do it."

"100$ that it looks like Randy."

"Deal.", Trish nodded shaking hands with Amy.

"Are you two seriously betting money on my baby?", I asked, staring over at them. They nodded in reply. I can't believe this.

"Yup.", the both answered in unison.

I sighed as I shook my head, turning my attention back to the television.

"I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl..", Amy spoke, looking deep in thought. "I hope it's a girl."

"I want it to be a girl too.", Trish smiled. "What about you, Mel?"

I looked back over at them, biting my lip slightly. I didn't know, generally I hadn't given it much thought to what I would want.

"I don't really know.", I shrugged.

"I want it to be a girl so I can buy it a bunch of cute dresses, and when she's older I can take her to have her hair done and spend some quality time with aunt Trishy."

"Sounds fun.", Amy smirked at her with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey, I will be the best aunt ever, right Mel?", Trish looked at me pointedly, asking me to agree with her.

"Sure, whatever.", I laughed as Amy shook her head. "But I'm sure aunt Amy will be just as great too."

"You know it, I'll be the badass aunt.", Amy nodded throwing up her usual rocker sign. "So did Randy go with you?", she questioned.

My smile faded as I looked down, fiddling with my hands. "Uh, nope.", I mumbled before looking back up to see them both staring back at me with shocked expressions.

"Randy didn't go with you?", Trish asked, I shook my head in reply. "What? Why?", she frowned.

"Mel, did you even ask him?"

I shook my head again.

They both groaned.

"Why didn't you ask him?", Amy questioned. "I told you I would have asked him for you!", she sighed.

"I know but I thought I could do it but the words wouldn't come out, and I couldn't ask him Monday because he was busy and it just..", I ran my hands over my face in frustration. "I'm sorry, okay."

"Are you going to show him the picture?", Trish asked.

"Of course I will, I even got a spare one so he could have it."

I just hoped he wouldn't be mad at me for not telling him about it, then again, this is Randy Orton we're talking about here.


Monday soon rolled around, preparations for Monday night Raw already under way.

Trish and Amy were having their rematch from Survivor Series tonight which was going to be tonight's main event.

It was exciting because Amy had been told she would be regaining the title not only in her hometown, but also in a main event. Women main eventing doesn't happen rarely, last time it happened it also involved her and Stephanie McMahon.

I was happy for her, Trish too. They both deserved it.

I was currently just finishing Trish's make-up ready for tonight.

"So you'll go see him by the end of the night?", she questioned, speaking about me going to see Randy to tell him.

"Yes Trish, I will.", I nodded for the dozenth time, they've asked me this several times today and my answer was still the same.

I know they want to make sure I do, but c'mon. No need to badger me about it constantly.

A knock on the door caused me a Trish to look back, Christian.

"Hey Melody.", he smiled and then looked down. "Trish, hi.", his smile faded slightly.

"Oh, Christian. Hi.", Trish turned back around, looking disinterested. She had a certain look on her face what didn't look right.

I looked at Christian who just shrugged before looking at Trish again before shrugging, wanting nothing apart of what was going on there.

Whatever it was, I don't wanna know.

Trish stood up and adjusted her shirt before looking at me. "Thanks, Mel. I'll see you later.", she gave me a smile before walking out.

"What was all that about?", I asked.

"I have no idea.", he shrugged in reply. "So, how did the doctors go?", Christian asked as he sat down in the seat.

"It was good, got my scan picture.", I smiled.

"Oh yeah."

I nodded pulling the picture out of my bag and passing it over to him. He took it, observing it.

"It's kinda just one big blob.", he said absentmindedly. "How cute.", Christian laughed quietly.

"Pretty much, I've just gotta go somewhere will you put the photo back in my bag when you've finished staring at it?", I asked.

"Sure.", I heard him reply as I walked out the room.


New cover for this, I felt it needed to be updated. This by far is my favourite cover.

It's abit of a filler chapter but it'll pick up in the next few chapters, trust me.

So Melody went for her scan by herself, finally got to see her baby for the first time! Also Trish and Amy didn't seem happy that she didn't tell Randy about it.

Also Trish seeming abit shady when Christian walked in, funny eh.

The next chapter will be in Randy's point of view, it's something what simply has to be done. So hope y'all will look forward to that.

Thanks for reading!

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz