Korton's Past(Chapter 10)

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Korton:He is coming towards us!!

Nick:Yeah yeah,I can see.

Benjamin:But how-

Nick:I am able to see him that's why you people are not telling me who is that most celebrated 'He'.

Rohit:Commander,he is Shinzo.

Shinzo come towards them.

Shinzo:Hello guys!!

They all freezed.

Shinzo:What happened-

Korton:You died!!didn't you!!??

Shinzo:No I didn't.

Nick:Shinzo!!What joke is this!!??

Shinzo:Let me explain.

Benjamin:No I will explain!!

Rohit and Korton looked at Benjamin,with their jaws open.

Shinzo:Ok,you go first.

Benjamin started explaining things to  the Mission.

Benjamin:Actually SEASC (South East Asia Space Coorpaoration,a team formed in 1925 by Japan,China,India and Australia to collectively research into deep space objects) recieved another mysterious signal from the same location,i.e. this location,upon further researching they find out that the source was close to this location's signal source.


Benjamin:Means the two mysterious signals were emitted by different sources placed close to each other,say,50m,but they didn't told UNSC,as,they wanted to investigate it privately.Moreover this source has a particular mesaage.Every time we received the message and decoded it,it said 'Proceess □>>\|■ įĕîmplica' and such special symbols were used.Another interesting point was that this signal was always pointed towards south China sea means someone wanted it to received by us,that's why SEASC didn't disclosed the fact.Shinzo was their agent and was asked to execute the plan,but he needed help,so he told me the plan on the way.I was guiding him on a special private channel and updating him with information and facts.

Korton:Hmm,I see.So did you find the location?


Nick:Hmmmm.So I must inform the UNSC that you are alive.

Shinzo:No..don't worry SEASC will handle the matter.

Benamjamin:Don't tell them anything now.

Nick:Ok.Team,move on.


Korton:Bro,it was really a James Bond movie scene.


Benjamin:So,did you find anything interesting?

Shinzo:No,nothing special.At first upon entry I found huge  cylinder.Upon close inspection,I found that they were oxygen supply cylinder.Most of the rooms that I came across,were locked and the ones that were open,were empty.



Rohit:Commander,we are near a room that reads 'Power Supply Management Office'.Do you want us to enter it or exit?

Nick:Enter it.



Shinzo:It looks,they were operating power through this nuclear reactor,but this nuclear reactors looks man made,earthly.

Benjamin:Commander!! we..we found it.

Nick:What??Mission respond!!

Rohit:Commander,we have found a human,but a dead human here.He is wearing some kind of lab coat.Maybe he was a nuclear scientist.

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<Media received>

Nick's computer screen flashed with a picture (photo).

(Note:The readers can see the pic at the heading/starting of this chapter,if your browser takes too long to load the pic below here.)

Korton:Rohit let me see him

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Korton:Rohit let me see him.You can go and inspect the reactor design,you are a nuclear energy specialist.

Rohit:Ok.Commander,Korton will update you about this.

All the team members were inspecting the reactor.Few minutes passed but still Korton didn't said anything.

Nick:Korton,korton are you there?

Nick:I repeat Korton are you there?

Rohit went near Korton.He was standing still,freezed.

Rohit:Commander,he is standing still.

Korton fell down trashing a few objects near him.

Rohit:Korton what happened?

Everyone rushed near him.

Benjamin:Hey,are you allright?

Shinzo:Hey,what happened?

Nick:Mission update.

Rohit:Commander,he is not responding.

Korton:Let..me expalin.The scientist....the man lying there..is....my..father..father.

Benjamin:What are you telling?What-


Shinzo:What the hell!!??

Korton:Yes,I too am surprised.The government told that he died due to some nuclear radiation in the National Moscow Nuclear Research lab.The news came when I was 10 years old.

Benjamin:But how is it's possible!!??

Korton:I too am confused.I want answer from the government.

Rohit kept his hands on Korton's shoulders.

Rohit:We require many answers from the world governments.Come on Korton,let's move on.

Korton nodded.Nick had already heared all this ao there was no point in repeating the things to him.

After sometime.

Shinzo:Commander,we can start the nuclear reactor as reported by Rohit.Do you want that we run the complete base with electricity or just turn on every tubelight in every corner of the base.

Nick:Just turn on the tubelights.

Rohit:Here we go,actually it's the typical type of nuclear reactor of the 80's,so the worst case might be that we blow up ourselves on the moon.

Benjamin:Don't speak-

Rohit:Let me concentrate.


Nick:Korton,are you allright?You are not speaking anything.

Korton:I am allright Commander,I was just relieving from the shock that I got just now.


Rohit:There we go....



Nick:Mission report!!

Nick repeated multuple times.

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