Chapter 2

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  He looks at his notebook and grabs it opening up to a page. He pulls out a pencil and begins to sketch.

  "Well my name is Hiccup Haddock the Third. I have no reason why I have the third in there so no I'm not a prince. My father is the mayor though. I like to draw and I like science." He stops sketching when the teacher walks in. He shoves his notebook under his chair and pulls out a notebook to take notes in.

  "Well Hiccup. My name is Astrid Hofferson and I like axes and other sharp objects. I also like gym." I turn to the teacher and turn to a new page in my notebook. I take a while though. After paying rent, and buying stuff for my brother I could only buy some pencils and a new shirt because I needed one badly. He sees this and reaches into his bag.

  "Here. Have mine. I have plenty." I look at him. There's no way someone just gave me a notebook. Most people hate me. Unless they like me because I'm pretty or they're just nice like Heather. I take it and turn to the first page. It's new. He gave me something new even though we just met.

  "I can't take this. I have plenty of notebooks at home." He hands me some markets and colored pencils.

  "I have way too much stuff. My Dad can go overboard sometimes. I'm drowning in art supplies and every other thing you can think of. Please help by taking these." He grabs a few packages of paper and gives it to me.

  "Thank you." I stare at the paper and push it to the side of my desk. I open the notebook and begin taking notes. All class he talks about the brain. He's sooo fascinated with the brain and stuff like that. The bell rings and I begin to stand up. He grabs my arm. I stare at him in annoyance. He's a nerd. Super nerdy. Way too nerdy for me.

  "What second period do you have?" I grip the edge of my seat hard and slam it into the desk.

  "History." He frowns and pulls out a piece of paper.

  "Bummer. I have art next." I walk away and smile. I don't have class with the nerd except for Biology hopefully. When I walk into History a guy walks up to me. He has some black boots, jeans with huge holes where the knees are, a great shirt, and a dark grey leather jacket.

  "Hey Astrid. You look awfully pretty today. How about you look pretty for our date this Friday at 8?" He smiles and I smile back at him. A lot of guys ask me out and I hardly shoot them down. Most of them turned out to be jerks though. He seems nice.

  "Sure. Do I meet you someplace or do you pick me up? Or..." He holds out his hand.

  "Give me you're phone and let me give you my number." I pull my phone out of my pocket and hand it to him. He enters his number and hands it back to me. "I'll call you tonight cutie." I smile and walk to my seat beside Heather. I check his number. He put it in under Cool guy.

  "Hey Heather. Jacob just asked me out. Look what he put his name as." I show her my phone and she laughs.

  "Jacob's the cute guy that sits near Brent the jerk right?" I nod and she smiles and punches me soflty in the shoulder. "You go girl!" I smile a huge smile and we high five. I set my phone down and begin to sketch a little dog in my notebook.

  "Ooh! I forgpt to mention. There's a new nerd in school. He's the mayor's son. His name is Hiccup. And he is sooo nerdy. He gave me this notebook and some pencils and stuff." She laughs with me and I show her a photo I snuck of him. She laughs even harder.

  "I'm sorry you have to sit by that nerd! How about I take you shopping today after school to make up for it!" She gets a stupid grin on her face and I nod. I need some new clothes. And some groceries. She knows my Mom is a horrible drug addicted alcoholic so she buys me groceries if I need them. She helps me out if I need it.

  After class I go to my next period and check for him. He isn't there. I go the rest of the day and don't have him in anything but first period. I go outside and get in my car and go get Josh the cutest little brother ever.


  Hope you like the chapter. I ahve nothing planned for the weekend so I MAY update every day. Be warned though I may be too tired from sleeping constantly to even turn my phone on! Or my hands may be too greasy from eating like a pig!

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