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Not knowing what to say or think, I ran up to my room, locked the door and screamed on top of my lungs, not caring if I strained my voice.

unaudible words come out of my mouth, words that my heart wished were said earlier.

You could say that I may be overreacting. But the emotions inside of me is like a heated atom, moving at a rate that I cannot keep up. Never thought that I could be this emotional at something that did not really matter. But it does now.

I am seated in my bed with my feet flat on the floor, body tensed like a bomb that could explode at any moment. My hands, clenched and is shaking really bad.

I do not know if I should be mad, sad, happy? No screw that. I am mad.
Still, trying to think about it, what i have learned isn't something that I should be mad about. It is something that I should be happy about.
But as I began thinking of the events that just took place, it made me feel even worse. Not thinking clearly, I punched the wall near me creating a crack.

the physical pain that I should be feeling is not even perceptible. The blood flows out of the knuckle of my hand.

Not caring if Emmanuel will scold me again about this.

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