Chapter 8: Faith

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Luffy got himself an unexpected visitor named, Boa Hancock. Of course Nami turns a little jelly or jealous, for those of you who don't know. It wasn't long before Hancock had to leave, as well as the Straw Hat crew. Then an unfortunate turn of events happened, a huge storm struck the sea, the Straw Hats Pirates were sailing on. Luffy on the other hand had to save his crew from the dangerous thunder!⚡️ The consequence of that action led to Luffy drowning across the sea. Knowing that he'll die Nami jumped ship and safely secure them on land. Without the crew knowing where they are, what happens next?

A while ago:

Narrator's POV (So, technically it's me.):

Nami jumped out of the ship to save Luffy from his miserable death, the sea. She put Luffy's arm on her shoulders, while she the other arm tries to keep them afloat. Knowing they will never catch up to the ship, while they're in the unforgiving tidal waves of the sea. Nami had to swim for land and soon she did save Luffy, but the crew was far from their reach. They're lost on a deserted island without anyone knowing where they are.

Nami's POV:

As soon as we were safe on the island the storm cleared. Then I quickly turned to Luffy to check his pulse, I got nothing.

 I kept saying, "Luffy don't die on me!"

I was on the verge of telling him, "I... I... I...!"

Then Luffy coughed up water out from his stomach. I was so relieved, I hugged him so tight.

Luffy's POV:

I felt a sandy floor on my back, and a heavy pressure on my chest. I suddenly coughed up some water, then I remembered, I was drowning. But I saw Nami, she saved me. After I opened my eyes, I saw an orange hair, a brown pair of eyes, and a face I can never forget. 

She hugged me tight and I said, "What happened?"

Time-skip to evening:

Nami's POV:

We were lucky enough to find some firewood, and a monster for Luffy to hunt and for us to eat. Luffy kept munching down his food, while I just stared at mine. 

I kept thinking, 'What if the crew never finds us, then we will die on this stinking island'.

 Most of them know some basic navigating but that's not enough to get across the New World.

Then Luffy said, "Nami, are you gonna eat that?"

Then I said, "What's wrong with you?! Can't you see we're on a deserted island, and the crew is thousands of miles away from us?!" I said angrily.

Luffy stood up and said to me, "Nami, I know full well that we're in trouble and so is the crew. But there's something you don't have that I have." He said in quite a loud tone.

"What's that?!" I answered angrily.

"You don't have faith in them!" He said angrily as well.

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe that Luffy could be calm at this state where he just relies on faith. So quickly turned my back against him angrily. It hurt me to turn my back against him, let alone be angry at him.

Luffy's POV:

Nami turned her back against me, 'What's her problem?' That's what I thought.

'Doesn't she have faith on her own crewmates, let alone me?' I thought it would just be gone if I finish the food Nami cooked.

After some time later my stomach began grumbling again. Somehow I just ignored it because hunger was barely the problem. The real problem was, I was bored!

"Nami, I'm bored!" I said whining and pouting. Of course I got no response.

She was angry at me for some reason I don't know. Then an idea popped into my head and I ended up smiling widely.

Nami's POV:

'Who does Luffy think he is?' That thought kept popping into my head. I just couldn't believe Luffy can keep leaving me speechless.

Then a chill ran down through my spine. It startled me and I let out a slight scream. Then I slowly turned around and I saw Luffy smiling like he find something I was hiding. 

Then he said, "Nami? Are you ticklish?" That question frightened me, he now knew I was ticklish. And then I ran and he chased me. 

He kept saying, "Get back here!" I just kept saying 'no' but I was laughing. 

Then he caught me and he tickled me. He tickled my neck, behind my ears, my waist, even my feet. We just kept laughing, seeing the joy in our faces brought the happiness in my heart again.

 I kept wondering, 'Does Luffy like me too? That's impossible, he's too childish. And what do I mean by he likes me too? I don't like him! Or...?'

I just shook that thought out of my mind and enjoyed the sight of Luffy's joyful face. He looks so happy.

We lied our backs on the sand, it felt so tiring running around endlessly. After sometime we decided to return back to the place where we set the fire.

Luffy and I sat on the sand and for some reason we couldn't talk to each other again. 

Luffy finally said something, "Nami?"


"Do you know what's...?" Somehow Luffy was left speechless. He isn't like this, but I guess there's always a first thing for everything.

We just shook that akward conversation off and just lied our backs on the sand. It felt cold, wearing a tanktop and jorts probably wasn't a good idea.

Then Luffy stayed beside me and he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. It's so warm.

I knew I had to say something, "Luffy?"

"What Nami?"

"Do you...?" I couldn't continue to say it I was afraid of being rejected. But somehow I knew that I liked him.

Then I blushed immensely again. Luffy then put his hand on my cheeks and turned it to his. It was so firm and soft, for someone who punches things for a living. Then I saw his innocence in his eyes, I knew I won't be able to get an adult conversation with him, let alone able to tell him about love.

Luffy's POV:

Nami's eyes are so beautiful they looked like they're made for someone to see her whole personality.

I wanted to ask Nami what I have been feeling lately whenever I'm near her.

My cheeks turn warm, I feel nervous, and my heart...

Nami's POV:

Luffy kept looking into my eyes it's like he's immersed by it.

Then suddenly he put his hand onto my chest, it startled me a bit, then my heart started to beat so fast, then he smiled widely.

He said, "Shishishishi. I guess I'm alright. My heartbeat is just like yours."

My eyes widened, 'What does he mean by that?!'

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