Then a blinding pain flashed through my stomach and I staggered and nearly slipped and oh god, it hurts and I leaned against the wall of a building.

Peter was instantly in front of me.

"Sanya, what's wrong? What's wrong? Do you hurt? Is it the baby? Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere!" I hissed out loud, which was not altogether right, tha pain was in my stomach but the fire which had originated there was rolling through my entire body. Something was CLAWING at me.

Peter just looked horrified and terrified and other -fied but he lifted me up in his arms as if deciding if he would swing or run.

He started running. Why is everything so deserted?

Then I touched the underside of my stomach. Blood. I was bleeding. Peter had just realised if too because he stopped as if he was shot. "My baby, my baby, my little child, my adorable kid, my everything-" I kept on mumbling as if it would fix the whole situation. I was pretty sure that I knew what was happening but the shock and hatred for thay situation didn't let me register it.

Then the pain hit again.

"HOSPITAL!" I screamed as the thing, I couldn't even entertain the notion that it was my baby, tried to rip me apart from the inside.

Peter made a split second decision, shooting out his web from the web shooters which he always wore.

I tried hard not to concentrate on the fact that I was flying, well swinging and pregnant and that it was not safe and the blinding pain in my stomach and just focused on breathing calmly...well, as calmly as possible in this situation.

"Peter.." I murmured. He looks so hot. I was delirious from the pain.

"I see a hospital, it's right there!" He shouted nervously and we landed harshly on the roof, but we were both fine and my legs had turned to jelly, blood was dripping everywhere and then we were flying down the stairs, well, running as fast as possible, Peter was holding me and Peter burst out into the floor and I sank down onto the floor without my rock.

He ran to a doctor, grabbed him by the collar and snarled, "Take care of my wife and my baby."

Wife. Baby.

The doctor spluttered but Peter cut him off, "I'm the owner of Stark Industries, I'll donate a hefty amount, just help her!"

He ends on such an anguished note and the pain in his voice made me feel how much better his life would be without me and then he was in front of me and I wrapped my hands round my stomach and I smiled weakly at the love of mh life and hoped my son would be just like him, a twin to the best man on earth and whispered,"Thomas" before passing out.

I don't know when I woke up. The window was closed and the curtain was over it so I didn't even know if it was day or night.

The most immediate thing I felt was that the pain was gone and that the world wasn't spinning in front of me now.

Feeling decidedly happy, I lifted my arms up, which still felt as heavy as a gold-titanium alloy and placed it on the bump on my stomach.

Except there wasn't a bump any more. Not more than there was before February anyway.

"Oh.." Peter, who I hadn't noticed, started."you're up."

Instead of a traditional greeting, I asked him, more than half scared, "Where's our baby?" I croaked out, my voice nearly failing me.

Peter looked impossibly broken and bleak, more than when Uncle Ben and Uncle Tony died as he knelt beside my bed and held my hand.

Then he whispered in the most melancholy yet comforting voice ever. "Love, you had a miscarriage."

The pain before had been nothing. This was the great 10, on the pain scale.

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