chapter 6

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*kenzies POV*

I woke up and justin was laying right next to me still sleeping. I'm not gonna get up until he gets up, but what time is it. I look at the clock on the wall and it's 2, god we slept really late. He needs to wake up.

"Justin wake up we need to back home" I said

He's not waking up he is such and heavy sleeper.

"Baby get up" I said laying in top of him

he was still not waking up. so I grabbed the pillow and started hitting him with it saying something ever time I hit him.

"get..your...lazy..ass...up!"I said still hitting him

"I'm up" he said in his raspy cute voice

I get out of bed and notice every one on the ground sleeping. I go to the bath room and notice I was still wearing the same outfit from last night and my hair was all knotted up. I ran my hands through my hair and put it up in a pony tail. I walked out and Justin was on his phone.

"ready?" he asks

"Yep" I said popping the p

We get in his car and go to my house to see my parents and get some stuff then we're going back to his house

We get to my house and I grab Justin's hand and go into the house and to my surprise there's no one home. this is why I'm always over Cassidy's.

"Can you stay down here for a second" I ask

"Yeah no problem"

I grab a bag and start stuffing some clothes in it and head down stairs. I figured I would stay at Cassidy house tonight.

I grabbed my phone, wallet and bag and went down stairs to find him in the living room to find him looking at the pictures on our fire place.

"you've got such a beautiful family" he said still looking at the pictures

"we don't act like a family" I said going to him looking at then with him

he just remained silent walking along to the wall looking at the pictures. he stopped at one and it was me, Robbie, mom and dad and Logan

"that's one was at my 10th birthday party. that was well... when we were a family and my brother was still around." I said looking down

"What happened to him"  he asked still looking at the picture

" it was Christmas eve of 2011 and I was 11 and Robbie was 12. Logan was 20 at the time and had his own house. he came over for Christmas eve and he was gonna spend the night and leave the next day. He came over and we had dinner and hung out. we went to bed and Christmas day  was the best day I've had in a while we were happy and enjoying the day. we sat and watched movies all day and talked about anything. other than mom and dad I was the closest one to Logan we would tell each other anything. so it was around 6 and it was snowing and the roads were icy and he decided to just go home but we told him he could stay but he refused so we told him to call when he got home. we were waiting patiently waiting for the call but we never got it. we were watching the news at the time and we heard there was a crash so we turned it up and it read " 20 year old Logan William gram killed in car accident". I feel on the floor crying it was the worst thing that has ever happened to us. mom was a wreak and dad became an alcoholic and Robbie was locked in his room and wouldn't come out and well I wouldn't talk to anyone for 3 months. it hit me the hardest. our family has never been the same since. mom and dad are always on business trips and Robbie doesn't talk to me. I just want him back. I want everything to go back to normal."

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