„Denaun, there is nothing to explain. What's done is done and I would ask you to tell him to not contact me anymore in any way, not even over you. Take care, Denaun and goodbye!"

„Daniela...." Was the last I'd heard before I hung up.

I couldn't take this, simply because I knew that if I would've listened to him, I would've caved in.

Not anymore! Enough is enough!

2 weeks later....

The past 14 had been partially frustrating and stressful. After 1 week of trying to bundle new energy and getting over the fact that Marshall had used me, I'd went back to work last Monday. Needless to say that a huge chaos awaited me at my office at the city hall and on top mayor Mike Duggan was whining incessantly. I'd worked unremittingly to get through new set meetings, therefore had hardly slept and/or eaten. I was exhausted and almost back at the point where I'd taken a week off from work, but I knew this time I had to push through. I wanted to get out of this city as fast as possible, staying here any longer than necessary was only reminding me about my stupidity.

I was aware by now, that it hadn't been all Marshall's fault, that we'd had sex. In the end I'd been the one that had started it, but still I felt used, almost embarrassed and definitely ashamed. I couldn't get over the fact how he had treated me the following morning and this was what made me feel the way I did.

Today was Saturday and while I'd went over my daily training in the morning, afterwards I'd went grocery shopping and then started to work. Monday would be an easy day, only office work, but Tuesday I'd have a meeting with the managers of Sunoco LP, a distributor of motor fuels, which I wanted to convince to expand his gas station net in Detroit. This first get together, could be another step in the right direction and so I had to be prepared.

As always when I was working at home I was sitting at the ground in my living room, laptop in front and the papers with calculations and informations sprawled out around me while the printer was spitting out copy's faster than Marshall his rhymes.


I hadn't heard from him anymore nor from Denaun and I'd lie if I'd say that it wouldn't faze me at all. I missed talking to him, spending time with him, but nothing good would come out of it anyway. So I pushed the thoughts aside every time they tried to sneak into my mind.

At 4 pm my doorbell ripped me out of typing vigorously on my laptop, almost hammering out the keyboard and my head snapped up. No one, besides Marshall and the team of my company had my address and while nobody had notified me that they'd sent something over, an uneasy feeling built in my stomach.

Don't let it be him!

For a moment I thought about just waiting until whoever stood in front of my door would disappear again, but when it rang for a second time, I knew that wasn't an option. So I stood laboriously to my feet, straightened my shirt and sweatpants and pulled my hair up in a quick bun while strolling to the door where I stopped. Through the frosted glass inlets of the front door I could make out a tall black man and I took a deep breath, turned the lock and grabbed the handle before forcing the door open.

„Yo, Daniela!" Denaun was standing in front of me, being all smiles like always and I pulled my glasses off and furrowed my eyebrows.

„What are you doing here?"

I knew I was impolite and hostile, but I didn't really care at this moment. I'd asked nicely to not contact me anymore and still he stood on my doorstep now.

„I thought I'd come by an see how you're doin'. Catchin' up a lil, ya know?"

Is he serious??

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