First Date!!!

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Aaron sat across from Aphmau in a generic restaurant booth. They were talking quietly about recent events. 

"I still can't believe that mermaids exist!" Aaron exclaimed. 

Aphamu leaned closer to Aaron, until their heads were almost touching. "Please, let's not talk about this in public. Besides," Aphmau said leaning back, "this is a date. We should be doing date things."

Aaron leaned back. "Like what?"

"May I take your order, or are you too preoccupied." Aphmau looked at the waiter, it was Zane again. 

"We really need to stop coming here." Aaron whispered to himself. 

"What was that?" Zane snapped. 

"Oh, Zane leave him alone." Aphmau chastised. 

"Any way, our special is a fresh caught fish sandwich." 

Aphamu gagged. "I just think that I'll have a salad."

"I think that I'll have a cheeseburger." 

"Like what you want matters."

"What was that again?" Aaron said getting up. 

"Hey little bro, still being a sour pus?" Garroth leaned against Zane's shoulder. 

Zane shrugged away. "Go away Garroth. I'm working."

"Hardly." Aaron said. 

"Do I need to throw you out?" Zane demanded. 

Aphamu, sensing trouble, got up a said, "On second thought, don't take our order to the kitchen. We'll just take our business else where."

"Sugar, don't leave." Zane pleaded. 

"Stop being so clingy Zane. Aphmau can be with whoever she wants." Garroth said, leaning into Zane again. 

"Thanks for caring Zane, Garroth, but I'll be leaving now." Aphamu said, stalking off. 

"Now look at what you've done, Zane." Aaron said running after Aphamu. 

"You need to stop being a Yandere." Garroth said. 

"Shut up!" Zane yelled, blushing.  

Aphmau and AaronWhere stories live. Discover now