I clutched my chest as I felt it beating once more. Thank the Lord that the two of them were frienemies otherwise Jean would be all over me with questions about me getting beat up.

"Yeah... I don't know where he would come up with such a story." I mumbled as I finished scrubbing the counter. I looked over to the oven clock and saw school would begin in 20 minutes. I threw the old dish rag into the sink and walked over to the door. I grabbed my satchel and waited patiently for my friend.

"Mind if we go early?" I asked with a smile. "I have to ask Professor Hanji something. It's for an upcoming project."

"Sure." Jean said as he came to the door and grabbed his bag, now filled with his new supplies. "I can then serve my 20 minute cleaning duty in Professor Levi's room instead of after school.

"Sounds good!" I said as Jean and I left the dorm to go to the school.

--- TIME SKIP ---

I was walking alone to Professor Hanji's room. Jean had left me when he reached Professor Levi's room, so now it was just me. I was humming a famous school song (Wings of Freedom) which was stuck in my head. I was just minding my own business, not paying attention to where I was going when suddenly I bumped into someone.

I shook my head and put a hand to my forehead. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there..." I looked up ad my eyes grew wide. Aw shit...

"Hey Bott, funny seeing you here so early... Wasn't Kirstein just walking you down the halls a minute ago?"

"Y-yeah, but he had to clean for P-Professor Levi." I trembled in fear.

"Hear that, no Jean around."

"You heard him Bott. You know what that means?"

I gulped and took a step back. "P-please don't!"

The one guy gave me an evil smirk while the other cracked his knuckles. "Say, 'Good night.' Bott."

My heart was pounding so hard I could hear the blood rushing to my brain. Oh dear... Was my final thought as I stood there trembling like a deer in headlights. I wished Jean was here to stop these two...

I really regretted lying to my best friend this morning... That was for sure.


I was just wiping down the desks in Professor Levi's classroom. It hadn't even been five minutes yet when Eren came in frantically and nearly out of breath.

"Professor Levi!!!" Eren shouted as he laid a hand on the door frame to support himself as he hurled over to catch his breath.

"What is it Jäeger?" Levi said as he glared at the brown haired student.

"You have to excuse Jean for moment! It's important!"

"I ain't going anywhere with you Jäeger!" I scoffed. "Knowing you, it isn't important at all." I crossed my arms.

"Levi, you have to excuse Jean!" Eren shouted again as he straightened up. His breathing growing back to normal.

"What is so urgent that you have to come and get him?" Levi asked flatly.

"It's sort of private sir."

"Well can you at least tell me?" I spat.

Eren growled. "NO TIME!!! Jean must go now Professor Levi! I promise I will take the rest of his duty to clean your room, but we must both go, NOW!!!"

"Alright Jäeger, since it seems so serious... Kirstein, you're free to go." Professor Levi dismissed me.

I looked at Levi with a weird look. I didn't want to go with Eren, but what other choice did I have? "Yes sir." I replied as I walked up to Eren.

I didn't even have a second to ask Eren what was up since he grabbed my wrist with his grubby fingers and dragged me down the hall at top speed.

"Woah woah woah!!!" I shouted as I pushed his hand off and forced him to stop running. "Now what is your deal, you asshole!?"

"Marco! We must go now!"

"I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not Marco. You got your head screwed on right Eren?"

"No no no! Marco is in trouble! Those two guys I was telling you about last night are beating him up right now! I was coming back from retrieving something from Hanji and I saw them threatening Marco and one of them pushed him up against the wall!"

My eyes grew wide... Eren wasn't lying. I could tell by the look of concern and fear in his oddly tone of blue eyes.

"Jean? Jean! Are you even listening to me!?" Eren shouted in rage.

"We have to go..." I said shakily and sprinted down the hall, Eren following right at my heels. Marco needed me, and my God will I help him.

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