PoPi has gone global, thanks Alex!

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"It's bad luck to see you before we get married Al! xxx- P"

"Yeah yeah, I can't wait to see you and rip that dress off of you. I definitely plan to. xxx- A"

"Alex! It's my wedding dress! You better not! xxx- P"

"Fine, I won't rip it but it's definitely coming off you ASAP Pipes. xxx- A"

"Polly's yelling at me to go to sleep, 'I need my beauty sleep' apparently. Night baby, I love you. See you in the morning at the altar. xxx- P"

"Want me to come over there and deal with her? xxx- A"

"Oh I know you would. Trust me, I'd kill for you to be here right now. xxx- P"

"Then why aren't I? xxx- A"

"You know why. xxx- P"

":,( xxx- A"

"Haha, night Alex. xxx- P"

"Ugh. Night Piper. See you at the altar. xxx- A"

"I'll be the other one in white. xxx- P"

"xxxxxx. xxx- A"

"xxxxxx. xxx- P"

"xxxxxxxx. xxx- A"

"Ok this could go on all night. xxx- P"

"Can it? Irl? xxx- A"

"Alex. xxx- P"

"Piper? xxx- A"

"Sleep. We have our wedding tomorrow and we will definitely be up late. xxx- P"

"Ooh I'm holding you to that. But fine. Goodnight schnookums.- xxx- A"

"Haha goodnight lovemuffin. xxx- P"

"The more you text me the more I plan on coming over there. xxx- A"

I had ended the conversation there that night. As much as I wanted Alex to come back into our suite, I wanted tradition and it was late and we both needed sleep.
Polly broke me from my thoughts with a FaceTime call. Before I answered it, I went back to the texts Alex and Polly had sent each other and quizzed Alex on it.
"Why was Polly texting you from my phone?"
"Pipes, you had just been shot. It was to keep me posted. I don't have her number so she used your phone."
"Right but why did she have to text you again?"
Alex sighs.
"Because. I was catching your shooter babe. That's why."
"But why didn't you both tell me about these texts?"
"Because you had just been shot. You were fragile. Neither of us wanted to worry you and I thought I had lost you once. No way in hell was I going to lose you again."
I concede, "Fair point."
I start laughing.
"What?" Alex asks.
"What if she saw our texts the night before our wedding when you were desperately trying to get back into our suite with me?" I ask her, laughing.
Alex laughs back,
"Well, that's her problem isn't it? She shouldn't be snooping if she did."
At this, we slid back down the bed since neither of us had clothes on from the night before. I answered the FaceTime call to an over-excited Polly. As soon as she sees Alex she screams through the phone,
"Alex! I love you!"
"I'm flattered Polly but I'm taken and married and no offence, you're not my type." Alex replied, laughing to herself.
"Yeah Pol, she's taken!" I say.
"Pipe?! Haven't you told her?!" Polly asks me.
"Yes Pol, I've told her."
"And?!" She pushes.
"And, it's how I do business Polly. I know contacts in the global market which I've already told Piper are clean contacts and besides, anything for my little Pipes." Alex interjects.
"Oh god, why is it every time I FaceTime you two there's always either a cute or dirty innuendo somewhere in the conversation?" Polly asks frowning.
"Because we're us." I laugh at her and receive another kiss on the cheek from Alex.
"Well anyway, a paper in California want to interview us- ooh shit." Polly said looking at the top of her screen.
"What?" Alex asks her.
"A meeting has just popped up for today. The interview is today, they're flying in a journalist to meet us at the office today, they've probably landed already. One of us is going to have to do the interview while two of us have the meeting." Polly answers her.
"Well, what's the meeting about can it be cancelled?" I ask her.
"No, it's about a contract with the British industry. Fuck." She tells me.
"Okay, well how about I do the interview and you two do the meeting?" Alex suggests and continues,
"I mean, it is down to me that the business is now global and not just national." Alex rightly points out.
"Yeah that's a good idea babe." I tell her and kiss her on the cheek this time.
"Okay, that's that settled." Polly starts.
"Oh, Pol?!" I get in.
"Yeah Pipe?" She asks me.
"When I was shot you had my phone. Didn't you?"
"Yeah, I was letting Alex know you were okay." She says.
"Yeah that's what I told her." Alex said giving me the side eye.
"Yeah well, I know that, what I want to know is did you read any other texts between me and Alex?" I ask her.
"Oh god no Pipes, it's bad enough witnessing your dirty stuff. I'm pretty sure that's the clean version, I have no intention of seeing the X rated version. No thank you." She tells me.
Alex laughs and I just look relieved. Polly continues,
I'll go now but again thanks Alex! You're amazing!" Polly says.
"Tell me something I don't know." I tell her and hang up.

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