"I'm here. Didn't think you'd miss me right away." I teased.

"Don't underestimate my love, dear."


"And here I thought you died." Woozi hissed by my side.

"I'm sorry but I'm still alive."

"Too bad."

"Did you say 'too bad'?"

"Did you say 'Did you say 'too bad'? Woozi counters.

"What are you saying?"

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought we were playing a fun game called questioning the previous statement."

I rolled my eyes. Childish, I murmured.

"Okay! We're going shopping. Woozi and Jae Eun, come with me. That's an order." Scoups' last sentence of his declaration made no room for arugments so Woozi and I voluntarily trailed behind him as he exit the dorm.
"Hey. Seventeen's Scoups and Woozi is here!"

"Where? Where?"

"Let's take a picture."

"That girl is really lucky to be with them."

Ha. Lucky you say?

"If only I was the CEO's daughter."

I'd be more than thankful if you take my place bitch.

"What happened to Scoups? What's with his arm?"

"Hey." I filled the gap between Scoups and me and tugged his sleeves.


"Why didn't you wear your disguises today?"

"I.. uh... Forgot?"

I looked at him incredulously. Not wanting to be in everyone's field of vision, I distanced myself from the two idols.

"Oppa!!!" I heard the girls call their attention and they both happily interacted with their fans.

"I shouldn't have come if only I knew we came here so you could do your fan service." I mumbled under my breath and rolled my eyes.

"I had a feeling you just complained. What did you say?" Woozi, who suddenly popped out of nowhere, asked.

"Nothing. I just said it sure is nice having people adore you this much." I replied and peered over Woozi's shoulder to look at Scoups who was still busy entertaining women.


"W-What? Of course not."

This guy really gets on my nerves.

"You don't have to deny it. It's obvious."

"Say one more word and I swear I'll bring hell here for you to experience it." I warned.

"Woah. If you could do that, then you must be the goddess of that place. I'm really scared now." His snickering made me want to bury him alive but fortunately I realized that only immatures would retort to those kinds of actions.
After all those hours of hearing the fans' undying declaration of how much they love and support Seventeen, their worries for Scoups and those endless response of 'If it weren't for you Carats, we wouldn't be hear. We love you. And don't worrry , I'm fine' made me want to puke my guts out. I temporarily experienced heaven when I knew we were going back home. It was almost lunch when it was decided.

We were walking back to the dorm in awkward silence. It was awkward yet peaceful but gods sent somebody to shatter the moment of peace.

"Hyung. I think Jae Eun had gone mute."

"Oh come on. What have I done this time?" I scowled.

"You have done nothing wrong. Just that your presence alone irritates me."

"Say something else and I'll make sure --"

"What? Is it the hell thing again?"

"Actually no. It's a lot better now 'cause I'm bringing you to heaven. You know what that means?" I paused and shot him a glare. "I'm gonna kill you." I threatened as I ambled my way to Woozi but he used Scoups as his shield.
We were finally at the dorm's door. I was supposed to enter when Scoups covered my eyes from behind and told me to just follow his lead.

"What is this Scoups?" I asked but he didn't answer.

"I swear of you don't answer in five seconds I'll---"

His hands suddenly left and then BANG!

"Happy birthday Jae Eun!!!"

I gasped. The dam inside me was on the verge of breaking when I saw them greet me. Their pure smiles and overwhelming greetings were too much.

I turned around to see the mastermind of this event. "Scoups. This is---" I was shocked when his lips met mine.

"Happy birthday." He whispered, his deep, fucking sexy voice rang in my ears. I couldn't help but kiss him back.

"Stop stop stop. There is still one child in here who's not allowed to watch this." Jeonghan said as he covered Dino's eyes.

"One?" Wonwoo questioned.

"I thought there are two." Seungkwan added.

"Jeonghan hyung, you forgot Woozi hyung." Dk supplied and in a measly second, the three were on the run for their lives.

"See? This surprise worked because of my brilliant idea." -MG

"You're idea? It was mine." -T8

"Oh please. It was mine originally." -MG

This memory is something worth to remember for a lifetime. Who knew things would turn out like this. Who knew we would grow this close.

I'll just tell you little secret. I don't know who gave them this information but today...

Is not my birthday.

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