The Drop

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October 20, 2552, New Mombasa. "Alright people, find your squads and get to your pods!" Martin would yell out. today is the big day, the day that the covenant invades Earth. I would grab my Battle Rifle and would walk over to him. "Hey Sarge, where's the rest of the squad?" I said to him with the Rifle at my side. "They're coming, don't worry." He replied to me. And they did come, loaded and ready to go.
"You guys ready?" Martin said. We would start to walk to our pods. "Always Sarge," Quebec replied. We got into our pods. "Alright, on my mark, drop!" Martin yelled. "3, 2, 1, Mark!" We would drop.
There would be 3 Covenant cruisers to the left and 2 UNSC cruisers to the right. Suddenly, all 3 of the Covenant cruisers would Jump into hyperspace, creating an EMP. The EMP would disable the UNSC cruisers, pelicans, communication's, and... Our pods.  I saw George's pod get hit by a Pelican. Then,  suddenly I crashed into a building, knocking me out.

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