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We saw 3 kids Mr.Tushamn introduced us to them there was Charlotte she had blond hair then Julian he had dark brown hair and eyes he seems mean then I saw this cute boy his name was jack will.Mr. Tushman asked us to introduce ourselves I didn't say anything (y/n is really shy and does not talk much) Agguie introduced himself I just stood there looking down Mr. Tushman asked me to introduce  myself but I said no he just left me be when we where walking I felt eyes on me by I did not look up.Charolette kept talking but I was just ignoring her we got to our home room Mr. Browne.Julian-"We have Mr.Browne as our home room my mom says he's crazy" Then we got to lunch and Charolette was still talking Julian-"Hey Charolette (she looked up) do you ever stop talking" (she then looked down sad) I said to ignore him.Julian-"What did you say freak" I just looked down and shook my nothing he just laughed then we headed to science my favorite class when we got there Julian was being really rude Julian-"Science is supposed to be really hard and you have needed been in a real school before" Jack-"Bro he's been homeschooled" Julian-"Ok" "Wait don't all three of y'all have science maybe you could all fail" I just looked down sad Jack-"Why don't you get out of the way so they can check it out" I walked in and just stood there Julian-"This is an eraser" Charolette-"They know what an eraser is" Julian-"How am I suppose to know they don't even talk" Charolette-"Y'all know what an eraser is right" I just stopped there and said nothing Jack-"Y'all have to say something" I said yes Julian looked at me surprised Julian-"So the freak talks he said while laughing" I just looked down the others did not hear what he said Julian-"I have a question for Auggie, what's the problem with your face where you like in a fire" Jack-"Dude" Charolette-"Julian don't ask rude questions besides he was born like that" Julian-"I just thought was in a fire" Jack-"Shut up" Julian-"You shut up" Charolette-"Why don't we all shut up"

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