"She is in one of the rooms, slowly recovering." He quietly says.

"She's here in Shadow!?" I yell and he puts a hand over my mouth.

"Yes. Be quiet!"


"She's in Shadow, but she won't be for long." He keeps his voice low. He looks back at the door again as if someone will hear us.

"What do you mean?"

"Well when she first got here, Jack Teller, another Vampo, was taking her up to a room and she kept resisting. She ended up punching him in the face and tried to run. Jack got pissed and attacked her. He left a shit load of bites on her and she lost a lot of blood. I stopped him before he could kill her and I took her up to a room and helped her. Harry found out and was just going to send her to the drainers, but I felt bad and convinced him to let me help her recover before sending her to Storage." He explains and my heart drops. I'm happy to know that she is here, but hearing that she isn't well and almost got killed makes me sick to my stomach.

"Thank you Louis for helping her." I say before leaning in and giving him a hug. I bury my head into his shoulder, but my head starts pounding again so I quickly release him and lean back on the headboard. "Shit. I feel so sick."

"The kitchen is preparing you a big meal. You'll need to eat all of it." He states and my stomach turns at the thought of eating right now. I feel too sick to do anything and eating is definitely something I don't want to do.

"Do I have to?" I whine.

"Yes, Ellie. Your body needs the nutrition." He states before being interrupted by a knock on the door. "That must be the food." He says while scurrying over to the door.

I really don't want to eat, but I'm just so glad that I know that Esmay is here. Not for long though- Louis words repeat in my head. I need to find what room she is in as soon as possible before she recovers.

I watch as Louis rushes to open the door widely. He lightly groans before closing the door and only leaving a small opening.

"I don't think it's the best idea for you to come in here right now." Louis says to the person behind the door- that he apparently doesn't want to come in.

I tilt my body, attempting to see who it is. I hope it's not Harry.

My head begins spinning even worse and I support my weight on my arm that's pressed against the side table. I tune my ears fully into the other side of the room. A muffled voice sounds behind the door-talking to Louis, but I can't make out who it is.

I lean forward further and my arm starts to shake from being too weak to hold me up. The figure behind the door comes more into view, but I can only see black pants because Louis' head is covering the rest of whoever it was.

"Yes, she's fine, but I don't think you should see her. She's recovering." Louis speaks and before the person behind the door could answer my arm gives out and I make a large thump as I fall off of the bed and hit the table. "Owh." I cry out as I see the door forcefully swing open, making Louis jump back and letting a very concern looking Harry inside.

He fast walks toward me with his brows furrowed and his lips a hard line. "What are you doing?" His voice comes out concerned with a hint of anger.

I look up and his shadow covers me completely from him hovering over me.

"I fell." I whisper before grabbing the hand that he put out for me.

He effortlessly picks me up, helping me stand up straight. I look up to his gaze and my knees shake before giving out. I lose my balance and fall hard into his chest. He quickly wraps his arms around me- catching me before I hit the ground again.

Shadowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن