I knew he would be annoyed by my having a shrink. This was way too fun.

"Are you treating me well?" I asked and he stopped pacing to glare at me.

"I meant what I said when I said you talk to me when you have something important to say otherwise don't talk to me because you and I are nothing," I muttered through gritted teeth and I noticed my shrink about to say something but I raised my hand to silence him before heading to the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood for therapy, not now anyways.

On my way to the kitchen I saw all the workers near the staircase standing there looking to the ground while Eva was pacing up and down yelling some orders at them. She was wearing a red tight dress and black heels which looked good on her as much as I hated to say it.

"What's going on here?" I asked and the workers all looked up at once with expressions that I thought translated to help us.

"I was just telling the workers what I'd like them to do so we can live happily," she responded with a smirk that I felt like wiping off.

"This is my house Eva. You don't get to tell my employees what to do, okay?" I hissed and her smirk widened at that.

Deciding to dismiss the workers they left in a hurry while I glared at Eva. "You know we gonna have to start getting along considering I'll be here for the next nine months and more."

"Oh really, if I want you out before the nine months are over I'll have you out bitch," I muttered and Eva laughed making me raise my hand to slap her but my hand was stopped in mid air by Jayden.

"What?" I questioned angrily while glaring at Jayden.

"If you hurt Eva, you hurt my child so I think you must reconsider slapping the mother of my child," Jayden said calmly with annoyance visible on his features.

"I have to say, Lola doesn't that hurt considering you can never give Jayden a child," Eva spat and I felt like my heart had been crushed before it quickly recovered. It could shatter all it wanted after I dealt with this bitch.

"That wasn't very nice Eva," Jayden suddenly mumbled before pulling me to my room.

Jayden was seriously bipolar. He let his whore live in my house and insult me and then defends me but doesn't throw her out. Okay maybe he didn't defend me but he told Eva she was wrong which counted right? Okay maybe it didn't at all.

"And?" I screamed before jumping onto my bed.

"You had no right to slap Eva," he began slowly and I rolled my eyes while resting my head on my pillow.

"You had no right to invite her into my house for nine months and let her insult me in my house. I am tired of everything you do to me Jay I'm just so tired. I know I'm barren but she has no right to throw it in my face like that," I yelled and I didn't notice the tears that were already trickling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Lola, I just don't know how to act," he whispered cleaning my tears with his thumb and I laughed at what he had said before slapping his arm off with a glare before reminding him not to touch me.

I blamed my mom for forcing me to sign the contract that made me married to a bipolar guy. He was mentally ill which put a thought in my mind; I could be a power woman who could handle businesses around the world, taking care of a mentally ill husband and could handle him impregnating the maid. I laughed more at that even though Jayden didn't know that.

"Just leave me alone Jay," I snapped.

He looked dumbfounded and a bit stupid in my opinion. I glared at him before turning to my side while mumbling an 'I'm too tired for this'. I heard him slowly leave the room and the sound of my door closing. Sighing I closed my eyes but it wasn't for long because my phone started ringing. I reached for it and realized the caller id was Ben.

Long Lost LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя