Matt and Julian

218 6 0

You arrive at the party and hear  loud music. You walk in and smell beer and sweat. You pass many couples making out. There's Matt, sitting on the couch. He is really nerdy, but in a cute way. Across the room, Julian is standing there talking. He is the hot school jock. Your bff is gone, hanging out with some boy you don't know. You

A) Walk to Julian
B)Walk to Matt
Walk to
You walk over to Julian. "Hi Alaina!" He waves at you.

"Hey!" You yell at him over the noise. You turn around because you feel a tap on your shoulder. All of the sudden, you hear a scream. You turn around and Julian is gone. He just disappeared. You
A) Investigate
B) Go Find Lily

Walk to
"H-hi." Matt stuttered.

"Hey!" You exclaim. Your friend Kelly from school tapped you on the shoulder. You turn around and talk to her for a bit, and all of the sudden, you hear a scream. You turn to look at Matt and he's gone. You

B)Go find Lily


Party Survival Interactive Story For GirlsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat