Chapter 2

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The Next Day

Camilla's Pov
       I was sitting in on a bench outside looking at the leather wrapped bracelet that once belonged to my brother Emmett. I remember that day like it was yesterday, and I wish I could forget it. I have the same nightmare everynight about that day. And if I'm lucky enough I'll be able to get 4 hours of sleep.

  Beep! Beep! Beep!

   I then got up from the bench and started running towards the ambulance with the others trailing behind me. Once were all in, we start making our way towards the emergency. I then got into the front seat with Dennis while Blake and Christina got into the back. I turned to Dennis "whats the call?" I asked while slipping the leather wrapped bracelet into my pocket. "A woman is being choked by her own snake" He smirked. "Snakes why is it always snakes" says Blake from the back. We all laugh, then we pull up to a apartment building.

Dennis and I then got out and made our way to the apartment, while Christina and Blake got the ambulance ready. Once we walked through the room, I immediately saw a stand with snakes slithering on it. "Oh wonderful, a snake hoarder" I say, Dennis chuckles and we walk to the bedroom. We see a giant yellow snake choking a woman by her bed, with Bobby trying to unlatch it from her neck. Dennis immediately drops his stuff and rushes and starts helping Bobby.

  "Camilla we need a tranquilizer now" said Dennis. "Already on it" I said walking over to them. I kneeled down about to insert the needle into the snake when just then blood splattered on my face. I opened my eyes and see that Fireman Buckley cut the snakes head off with an axe. Dennis stares at me eyes wide, while Bobby gets the dead snake off of the woman. I slowly turned to Buckley who is laughing his ass off. "Wow why is that always the option with you white macho boys?" Asked Hen.

    "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled at him.  He laughs "don't blame me honey you got in the way." I then got up and tried to punch him but an arm wrapped around my waist pulled me back. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" I turned my head to see it was Dennis. "Dennis get her out of here before Buck ends up like that snake" Bobby said while packing his stuff up.

  "I wanna kill him!" I shouted while walking outside with Dennis trailing behind me. "Whoa what's going on, oh my god please tell me that's not snake blood?" Asked Blake, but I shoved past him. I sat down on the sidewalk, when I saw the shadow of a person sit next to me. I turned my head and saw Christina. She gave me a gentle smile and stared wiping the snake blood off of my face with a cloth. I then reached into my pocket when I realized the bracelet wasn't there. "What's wrong?" Christina asked. "It's gone, my bracelet" I said tears sliding down my cheeks.

  Evan Buckley's Pov

   Splat! I did it, I killed the snake. I then see Camilla turn her head towards me and see snake blood covered the left side of her face. I started laughing, I mean common how can you not laugh at that. "Wow why is that always the option with you white macho boys?" Said Hen I chuckled.

    "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Yells Camilla. I laughed "don't blame me honey you got in the way." Just then she got up and tried to punch me, but was pulled back by her partner Dennis. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Then Bobby told Dennis to get her out of here. I then notice something on the floor where Camilla once stood. It was a leather wrapped bracelet. I picked it up and quickly stuffed in it in my pocket before walking over and flirting with the hot girl I saved.

  3rd Person Pov

    The Next Day

     Bobby noticed that one of the fire trucks was missing, and he immediately knew that it was because of Buck. So he took out his phone and tracked down the firetruck with the GPS and found it in the middle of an empty parking lot, with the ladder leading up to the top a of building. He then made his way up the steps of the ladder and on to the roof. He then started walking on the roof to find Buck and the snake hoarder making out.

  "Hey Buck" Bobby said stopping in his tracks. Immediately after Buck and the girl get up from their little session. "The snake hoarder really?" Bobby said. "I'm a collector, not a hoarder" she says while fixing her clothes. "You should probably leave" Bobby says taking a step forward. "Whoa Bobby did you follow me here" Buck says buckling his belt. "The truck has a GPS moron" Bobby said turning his attention to Buck.
Then the girl started walking, but not before mentioning Buck to call her and that she'll be home.

  Then Bobby said two simple words to Buck "you're fired." "What? Thats not fair you said I had three strikes" Buck said. "It doesn't matter you made this choice on your own when you rubbed it in my face, two days after I wrote you up. This isn't a game Buck, we work with woman side by side, and when you swing your dick around you disrespect them. And don't even get me started on the way you treat Camilla. Your so lucky I haven't kicked your ass for the way you treat her. She is a first responder like the rest of us and a fucking good one too. And for you to treat her that way like she's one of your one night stands that just shows how much of a piece of shit you are." Bobby says about to walk away when he sees something resting in the chair that Buck was laying in.

  "What the fuck is that?" Bobby says getting even more pissed. "I-I found it" Buck stutters. "You found it?! Do you have any idea what this is or who it belongs too?!" Bobby says picking up the leather wrapped bracelet. "Camilla's I think" Buck said getting nervous. "Damn straight it is! Why do you have it?! Cause I know for a fact she didn't give this to you!" Bobby yelled. "I told you I found it, and its just a stupid bracelet!" shouts Buck.

  "Don't you ever say that again! You are such a moron! You disrespect woman, and take their personal belongings. Never the less you swing your fucking dick around. I never want to see your face again at the station" Bobby says while walking away.

"Wait Bobby, I think I'm a sex addict, self diagnosised" he said hopping this would help. Just then Bobby turned around and marched his way over to Buck "You Thing This Is A Joke!" He said. "No no no no" Buck kept saying while backing up. "How much does your kit way when your all geared up?" Bobby asked. "Um like 60 pounds" Buck answered quickly. "Right, 60 pounds, and you have to find a way to leave evrything behind except that 60 pounds. I don't care if you have problems with your wife, money, alcohol, or keeping it in your pants. That stuff weighs you down, and if we lose a couple of seconds people die. So if you want to disrespect youself thats fine with me, disrespect these woman you do that. But your done disrespecting this fire department." Bobby finished while turning his back and making his way off the roof.

"Wait, Bobby! Bobby! Please I love this job, don't do this to me. I don't have anything else." Buck said getting quiet. "I'm sorry kid, you're fired" Bobby spoke one last time before walking down the ladder.

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