Death Flower - Black Butler - Chapter One

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Grabbing it with both my hands, I felt the stem struggle under my grip and then snap, breaking the flower free of it's perch. Suddenly, the flower began to screech and wail as it's black petals spread and revealed a  vortex, and I felt my very soul being sucked into it. The man let go of my ankles and writhed as the vortex grew in size; with his mouth wide open, I saw his spirit slither out of the man's mouth, slipping through the gaps between his teeth helplessly, it was like smoke that blew out of your mouth after inhaling the stuff, except the soul was struggling against the vortex, almost wanting to go back inside the man's disgusting body. This spirit was coloured a dark violet, and soon all colour was gone as the soul was sucked into the flower's vortex. 

I stared down at the flower as its petals recoiled back into a somewhat normal flower. All too soon, it began screeching again, making me let it go and stumble back as I heard its shrill shriek wrack through my ears. Then it glowed brightly, still writing in pain; I snapped my eyes shut and waited for it all to be over, but I found myself falling out of consciousness.

A Few Hours Later - 08:01 am 

"Adalia! You're finally awake my sweet!" Clarabelle exclaimed, wrapping her arms around my neck and embracing me tightly. Choking under her grip, I tried prying her arms off my neck; Clarabelle noticed, and stood back laughing awkwardly.

"You're gonna try and give me migraines this early in the morning, Clarabelle? You certainly have no morals," I grunted, rubbing my head, feeling a searing pain wrack across my skull. 'Did I fall last night? I must have done' I thought, swinging my legs over the bed. 

"I'm just glad you're awake. I found you unconscious in an alley way, I was so worried!" That's right, the alley way. Images of last night flashed in my mind. 

"I'm fine, Clarabelle. Come on, it's time to go into the market; we need to eat after all," I said curtly, pulling on a plain, high cut dress, tying an apron around my waist, I felt in the pouch of the apron for the money I earned last night, but found it was empty.

"Where is my money from last night?" I murmured, still patting in the pouch for the money. 

"I have it, Adalia, stop worrying," Clarabelle said, waving the pouch of money at me. 

Once out, Clarabelle gave me a concerned look. She obviously wasn't okay with me being outside like this just after I fainted last night.

"I'm fine, let's go," I murmured, heading toward the town.

As we arrived, I ambled into the busy road, not watching where I was going.

"Adalia!" Clarabelle screeched, I peered to my right and saw a carriage racing toward me, the driver's crimson orbs stared straight at me, and it didn't seem he was going to stop. Suddenly, I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me swiftly out of the road. 

"You ough'a be careful, miss," I turned to the owner of the voice. It was a man with long silver hair, and bangs that swept over his eyes. He wore a black shawl with sleeves that were much too long for the length of his arms; I didn't even know if he wore shoes, his shawl was that big. 

"Sorry sir," I said politely, curtsying. With his arm still tightly wrapped around my waist, he pulled me closer and sniffed my face. 'Well, I wasn't expecting that,' I thought, averting my gaze from his face.

"No problem, miss," he said, and before I could ask who he was and why he would save someone like me, he was walking away.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and held a hand to my heart, hoping to steady it's rapid beating. Every fibre of my being wanted to go to him, to talk to him again; but I shook my head, knowing that it was ridiculous to feel like that over a stranger.

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