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It was a morning like any other, you got up and looked around the room your vision slightly blurry from the night before. Yeah, it was probably a bad idea to go to bed at 3 in the morning, but you would do anything for your subscribers and if that meant staying up to 3am editing videos then by heck you were going to do it.

You slowly pulled the quilt off of you, releasing all the warmth from your body to slip away into the coldness of the morning. You shuffled to the toilet and did what you needed to do then made your way downstairs, pouring yourself some of your favourite cereal and sitting on the sofa watching whatever good was on the television. You checked your phone to be overwhelmed by all the messages, tweets, likes you name it; you remembered the days when you only got five likes a day and if you were lucky maybe seven in a week. A lot of likes were from your brother, Tyler, he was always been there for you and ever since you started a YouTube channel he has backed you up 100%. He introduced you to the gang that you got to know over the 2 years of joining them, you didn't like classing yourself as "part of the group" because you felt like they had something special and you didn't want to ruin anything with them.

you looked at the time 12:45, it was time to be productive. Tyler said he was going to record with the guys if you wanted to join, of course you agreed, no matter how many times you told Tyler you didn't class yourself as apart of the gang you always got a buzzing sensation all over your body when you sat in your gaming chair answering that Skype call and all the guys yelling and smiling, sometimes you would enter the call and the guys would already be crying of laughter before you even entered the game.

your prov~

I entered my room pushing shirt after shirt trying to find something decent to wear, I ended up wearing a shirt that was missing the shoulder and elbow patches, it was light blue as well as this I also wore some light blue skinny jeans with holes in that my dad always commented on along with everyone else "if you wanted holes in your trousers I could have made you some instead of buying really expensive ones" or "did you know your trousers have got holes in, not good craftsmanship if you ask me".

I sat at my desk awaiting that call from Tyler, I was playing with my hair when the call came it scared me half to death. I clicked the "accept" button and instantly heard Marcel laughing as well as David, Craig, Tyler, John and of course Evan. I waited for them to stop and acknowledge my presence, "Hey (y/n) long time no see, sorry you had to enter at that moment your probably really confused." Marcel said.

"Kind of, so what were you all laughing at?" I asked curiously.

"Well, actually doesn't matter." Evan said kind of quickly which I thought was a little suspicious, I ignored it i guess it was a secret for just the boys?

"Well are we all ready?" Tyler asked us, he got a loud scream from John and David with the rest of us just nodding.

"Might I ask what were are playing?" Craig said.

"Some mother fuckin Gmod!" Evan screamed, which caught me off guard. We played Gmod until 2pm and switched to GTA until 6pm. Marcel and David were the first to leave the skype call, me, John, Tyler and Evan kept joking around making fun of Tyler for no reason what so ever. John decided it was time to log off around 8:20pm and so it was just me, Evan and Tyler we chatted for ages i felt like through the whole time talking Tyler and Evan had some secret they were hiding, they kept laughing at literally nothing and every so often Tyler would wink at Evan or say something along the lines of " Oh Evan knows a lot about that" or "Wow (y/n) you don't say, did you hear that Evan?". Tyler finally left around 10pm after saying to Evan "And don't try to seduce my little sister over Skype, okay Evan?" i instantly blushed and shouted out "Tyler!" i could tell Evan was blushing "What i'm just setting down some ground rules." and with that comment Tyler left the chat leaving me and Evan in silence.

"I think i should get going now, have some editing to do and stuff..." you said quickly interrupting the silence.

"er yeah bye...I guess, it was er nice talking to you again." Evan said and i logged off the call.


hey guys, tell me what you thought should i continue it? hope you enjoyed and see you guys later O~O

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