The Ride (Chapter 3)

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I was pulled my my thoughts as his front door swung open. A smile planted itself on his perfect face. His hair fluffing on its own as he ran down his steep driveway with a pair of keys in his hand. He was wearing a black North Face hoodie and a pair of black basketball shorts. A neon green stripe making its way down the pair of shorts.

Once he got close enough to me his smile vanished and his profile turned from excited to worried. "Hey, what's wrong baby girl?" His concerned voice confirmed his facial expression.

I said nothing. He pulled me into a tight hug, propping his chin ontop of my head. I wrapped my arms around him, letting my tears take control.

I don't cry. I really don't. But I couldn't help it. I needed this. I needed him and his safety. He was here, as he always was, and I am grateful for that. I know this is no way to show my appreciation but it hurts. They won't be here for me anymore. My family will never be able to help me again. No more long life lesson lectures from dad. No more reassuring jokes from Mom. No more tear clearing laughs from my brother. No more anything.

My sobs started to slow and I motioned to the truck at the base of the driveway. Keith nodded and let his grip loose, dropping one hand down over mine and the other holding the keys up to unlock the doors. He unlocked the passenger side door and I hopped in quickly, bringing my hand up to while away the rest of my tears.

Keith's hand stopped mine as he cupped my cheek with his. His thumb rubbed softly the last tear that dropped down through my eyelashes. He gave me a small reassuring smile before pecking my lips softly and shutting the door between us.

He ran around to the other side and unlocked it. Getting in and starting up the truck with haste and starting down the road.

The ride was silent, nothing but almost bald tires and an old engine was to be heard. Keith's hand reached across the console and took mine. I looked down at our enterlocked fingers. Then my ring finger. The beautiful ring that laced it made a small smile take control of my lips.

"Clover, are you gonna tell me what's going on?" His voice shook me from my gaze as I looked up at him.

Right... Just say it.

"I love you." My voice surprised me. My cheeks turned red then white realizing what I just did.

His face was now confused looking at me. "I love you too baby girl, but what's going on...?"

Fuck. Already said that one. The other it.

I took a deep breath and let it all out in one big chunk. "Masson came back and blew up my house with my family in it. And now there is a voice in my head saying he is my first love."

Right. Really hope that made sense.

Aww... You forgot the juicy details~

Shut the fuck up!

"And he just spoke to me again. I'm guessing you couldn't hear his going off your oblivious expression." I stated while inspecting his confused profile.

What will me think?
What's up with that ring?
What will the voice say next?
Fine out next chapter

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