236 Words More Than Nothing

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Who am I?


The human brain is a mystery to itself, and even if it were to understand its own behaviours, it could never fully understand any other of its kind.

The fact that my brain will ask for its own identification alerts it to the fact of how little it truly knows. An entity renown for its knowledge knows as much of itself and the world it was forced into as a star nosed mole knows the concept of light and colour. Until it is taught, it knows nought on how it runs itself, much less the body it is in.

It is created with provided knowledge, known as instinct, to stay alive. Fear and want runs through a brain before it is aware of existence. It was made to survive and left to answer why.

My brain, however, has abandoned its quest to answer why it was created and has begun to puzzle over who 'I' am. Who is this 'me' that is referred to so much?

Not a physical entity, undoubtedly, as 'I' refer to my physical presence as 'my body'.

Not an emotion, crearly, as I refer to feelings as 'my emotions'.

Not my conscience or my soul, once again for the possessive pronoun placed before the concepts.

All of these belong to me.

My brain no longer questions itself, it now questions the one it belongs to. Who am I?

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