Chapter 4

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I need an editor for the story because people are complaining about grammar. Sorry guys :/ I kind of rush through writing because I update slow.


Chapter 4; Tate's POV

Violets slowly making her way back to me. When she asked to keep the cat in her room I knew it was a reason to see each other. Something we could both own, an excuse to see her whenever I wanted.

Violet took the cat up to her room about an hour after I said it was okay.

Annie came over an hour later.

I told her about the cat and how violet wanted to keep it in her room.

"It's working," she giggled. "I hope you guys will be okay,"

"Hopefully, everything will be fine." I said.

We devised a plan to "up" the jealousy out of violet. I know I'm terrible for all of this but it will all work out in the end. Annie's plan was to go into violets room looking for the cat and take it away in front of violet. God I feel terrible for doing any of this but honestly I'm desperate for violet back.

Annie's feet padded up the stairs in a rhythmic motion. Her daily outfit for school still hung around her body. Her school had a uniform and hers was cool I guess, my school never had a uniform for everyone.

As Annie reached the top of the stairs she giggled again. "Don't laugh" she warned.

Annie opened violets door and gave her a big fake smile while I waited outside the door.

"Oh! Violet!" Annie exclaimed. "Tate was just telling me about his cat and I wanted to play with her!"

Violets expression went blank.

"okay..." violet said quietly.

I could hear Annie's feet pad against the floor as she picked up the little kitten. "How sweet!" Annie said.

"She was sleeping so..." violet said.

I could almost hear violets disgusted expression in her voice. She really doesn't like Annie. Perfect.

"whatever." Annie said.

Violet rolled her eyes and continued to play on her iPod. Annie's feet padded against the floor and stopped close to the doorframe.

"Oh, and by the way, I wanted to keep this cat downstairs with me and Tate, I've never had a cat with one of my boyfriends!" Annie squealed.

Violet sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Yeah, okay." I could hear her voice cracking even from outside her door. She really wanted to keep the cat in her room, of course I'll bring it back.

Annie walked into the hallway and closed the door behind her. I nodded to her and disappeared to downstairs. She brought the cat downstairs and put it on the little mattress id dragged down there for me and thad. The cat instantly jumped out of her arms and into the soft cushion. I laughed and stroked the cat as it happily paraded around my thin mattress.

"You're a cheery little thing aren't you?" I said.

Annie laughed and laid on my mattress. I joined her later to play with the cat.

We'd found out that evening that thad has a soft spot for cats, and that Annie was afraid of overgrown babies with sharp teeth that live in the basement.

"What is that thing!!" Annie exclaimed as she first saw Thaddeus crawl out towards the cat.

"KITTY!" Thad screeched as he ran toward my mattress.

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