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Harry was brimming with excitement, he was packed and ready to go. With half an hour on the clock, Harry decided to clean his gun for the third time. The Purge was the only time Harry could really be himself and live out his twisted thoughts. Harry has done it all- the only thing that's 100% beyond his limits is rape. He's been parts of hunting groups, he's killed the innocent, robbed countless stores, he was even able to fuck over the local bank despite all of the guards there. All Harry needed to have fun was his bow & arrow as well as his Colt AR-15 (he also kept a small hunting knife with him, but he hardly used it). Harry made sure everything was in order and by the time he did, it was 11:58 pm

"This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S Government. Weapons of class-" Harry zoned out as the announcement went on, he heard his heart pumping in his head and a sick grin began to play onto his lips.

The sirens went off and Harry chuckled, he patted his dog on the head and opened the door, breathing in the stale air of his old apartment building. He knocked on the door of the neighbor across the hall from him, "stay safe Gertrude!" He called out in a light-hearted voice.

The response came back a bit muffled, "back at ya, Harry. Try not to kill too many people."

"Now, you know I can't do that." Harry didn't wait for her to say something before he headed toward the doors of the building.

The streets were dark and the night had yet to be disturbed. Harry made it his goal to know this city like the back of his hand; he knew where to go and trap, where to avoid, where the boundaries are, and where people even crazier than him hang out. 

Harry was but a young boy when the Purge began. At the time he remembered being terrified of what was to come, same as every year after that... until it wasn't. When Harry was about 12 his father gave him his first gun. Forced his mum to let Harry participate one year. "He'll never know how to be a man unless he does this, Anne." After that, Harry was hooked. After that, Harry started participating every year, keeping a countdown on his calendar, asking his father for more weapons. To Harry, the Purge became more important and exciting than his own birthday, Christmas, Easter, and basically any other holiday. 

Despite the nerves, which he felt every year, Harry was thriving. He pulled an arrow and docked his bow, letting it rest against his body as he giddily skipped down the street. Looking up at the windows he saw all the curious eyes watching him, all the people more than likely imagining they could be in his shoes at this moment. Everyone has someone they would get rid of if they had the chance. It's not Harry's fault he's the only one willing to act on that thought.

Purge (Larry AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum