The Hat Man

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What are the Shadow People

The shadow people are perceived entities that appear as a patch of shadow shaped as a living, humanoid figure, which are usually interpreted by believers in the paranormal or supernatural as the presence of spirits or some otherworldly entities.

Although they are most known in the world of physicality, there are times when they prefer, more mental ways. I for one, have this type, along with some physical movements. The most well known shadow person I have is called The Hat Man. He is different from the others, for he stays. I've had him since I was 6 years old. And he tortured me in my dreams, over and over and over and over and over again. He had a liking to Fedoras, and he planted that in my mind when I bought one.

The nightmares worsened after that (You'll see in the next chapter). He grew a liking to me, and started moving the hat all over my room, finding the place where to sit and watch. He finally chose a spot in my closet, always looking down at my bed. It sat there for a good 4 months, untouched, but somehow never collected dust. Eventually though, I had enough of his games, so I removed the hat and placed it on my unused desk facing the corner, and yelled at it HOW DOES IT FEEL TO ALWAYS BE CORNERED, STARE AT THE CORNER YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE until my voice hurt from yelling too much. The next morning, it was still there, but cold, not the air, not the walls, just the fedora. I backed up slowly and decided to just leave it alone. Little did I know, I just started a war with a being I can't see or fight.

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