Chapter 2: The Princess Has Been Kidnapped?

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Remiel and Stephen travelled the next day to the kingdom. They had reached one of the outer villages when they saw people crowding around someone. The two were curious as to whom it was that was able to captivate so many people. They forced their way into the crowd. There in the center was a beautiful girl with wavy black hair and warm brown eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts. Her lightly tanned skinned were complemented by her delicate cheekbones. Stephen was awed by her graceful beauty while Remiel could not understand why people were fussing over such an average looking girl. 

 "I don't get it. She isn't really much to look at." Remiel stated bluntly wondering if they were in the dream of some superficial teen that wanted to be popular. 

 "Are kidding me?" Stephen almost shouted, but quickly brings his voice down to a whisper. "Do you not recognize the Princess? And what do you mean she's not much to look at?"

"No, not at all." Remiel said. "And she is not handsome enough to be a Princess. Are you sure your eyes do not betray you? Maybe you don't get around much, but she's definitely not as beautiful as people are clamming her to be." Stephen was about to make a retort when and melodic voice called his name. He turned to the Princess waving excitedly at him. His heart began to race. 'She's waving at me quick what do I do?' He panicked as she raced up to the two gentlemen. 

"Sir Stephen," she curtsied. "I thought you were not to return for another week."  

"P-princess, I-I..." Stephen sputtered nervously unable to speak clearly.

"He was helping me to get in favor with King." Rephaim spoke up for him. 

 "Is that so?" the Princess inquired. "What business do you have with my sister?" 

 Remiel looked at her surprised, "Sister? I am confused. Is your sister the King?..." 

 She nods, "Yes, of course. Are you surprised that the king is a woman and not a man?" 

 "Actually, yes, I mean a King is supposed to be ma-" he stared. "you know what. I'm not going to question, my future mas...mistress's decision." He shrugged The princess gives him a questioning look, wondering if he was one of those bondage guys that was into chains and whips, 

"Mistress? I'm sorry, come again?"

 "Oh, um," Stephen jumped in. "He wants to serve directly under the King. It's his way of showing gratitude apparently."

The princess gave a light-hearted laugh. "How about you two accompany me back to the castle?" 

 "We'd love to!" Stephen blurted. "I mean, that would be delightful." 

 Remiel rolled his eyes. He could not believe that someone of Stephen's stature would allow himself to be taken in by an average looking girl who had nothing for her except her status as the Princess. They followed the princess to her carriage. Remiel began to wonder about the King. Stephen's began to explain why the king went by such a title instead of being called a queen. She was the eldest of three sisters and became Queen when both their parents died. In her mind, she did not want to be queen feeling that people would undermine her power as a woman, so she became king instead.

 She wanted the nations from across the land to judge her not by her sex, but by her rule and leadership. She didn't want the Kings around her to try and demerit her. She was hoping, by the time they figured out, they would realize that women could be competent leaders. "And yet you see her as a tyrant?"

"Well, I guess not really. It's not like she does anything brutal or bad to the people. I just want less work hours," Stephen sighed. "At the very least better pay."

Remiel chuckled at that and listened more as Stephen talked about the King. Stephen had a very interesting relationship with the King, not one most guards would have with their King. He seemed to have developed quite the personal relationship not just with her, but with her sister the Princess as well. Though oddly, Stephen only talked about the two of them, and never brought up the third sister. He wondered what happened with her. 

Remiel had gotten lost in thought, wondering what this king was like, though he pictured her to be just as average looking as her sister. His thoughts were interrupted by a scream from the princess. He looked up to see Stephen fending off against a dark-winged angel. He was hit with an odd familiarity, then he realized that he knew this being. 

"You!" He yelled at the angel. "Oh come now, is that anyway to greet your father?" the angel smiled smugly while carrying the Princess over his shoulder.

"This guy is your father," Stephen hissed still trying to get back the captive princess.

 "Unfortunately yes, he goes by Andromedeus and he is an arrogant prick." Stephen held back the need to call back much like yourself to him after spending a whole journey with him. 

 "Oh that hurts my heart," Andromedeus exaggerated pretending to be hurt, but couldn't hide back the smirk. "Well, it seems I'm not wanted here, so I'll vamoose. See ya." Andromedeus flew off with the Princess. 

"What the hell just happened?" Stephen panics, pulling out his hair by the roots. 

 "I believe the Princess has just been kidnapped." Remiel appeared nonchalantly. He placed a hand on Stephen's shoulder. "Well, let's hurry and get to the King, we can kill two birds with one stone." Stephen did not see this coming. This wasn't supposed to be happening at all, not to him some background guard that only exists for standing around, nothing else and yet this shit was happening.

A Legend of Sortsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें