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I spread my arms wide and took a deep breath, enjoying the crisp morning air for as long as I could. The slight breeze ruffled my purple hair and I almost smiled. After my fight with Sylph last month, I stopped feeling emotions. My special emotion reserved for my sisters was no longer a part of me. Anger and frustration were nothing more than emotions I used to feel, but I don't feel them anymore. I only ever threatened anyone who tried to ignite those emotions again with the same nine words.

"I can easily make your murder look like suicide."

That always scared them off but the few that dared to take my threat as a joke found out I wasn't joking. They found out the hard way. I don't regret killing as many people as I did.

In fact, I can't feel anything

I don't even pretend to be normal around other people because on the inside, I feel nothing.

It's not as bad as it may sound, I know that I'm broken but I don't care, this is normal for me.


"ATTENTION!" Our instructor yelled. At once, all of us stood at attention as he had demanded of us. I could sense that many people did so out of fear and others did it because they had to. I wasn't scared of Keith and I didn't want to do as he said either, but I still did as he instructed for reasons unknown.

Keith is a tall and, not to me, intimidating man. He is bald, with a slightly tan complexion and prominent wrinkles on his forehead. His most notable features are dark circles around his eyes which make him appear more imposing and, still not to me, frightening.

During his years as a Survey Corps commander, Keith had a head of short brown hair, a gentler face, and a slightly lighter skin complexion.

The stress of being a member of the Survey Corps has taken a huge toll on Keith. Within the span of a few years, he lost all of his hair, grew a goatee, and gained dark circles around his eyes indicating that his experiences have tormented him to a certain degree.

I know all of this because Keith was a close friend of Papa, which made him a family friend, which made him our uncle. Despite the man being completely venomous to almost everyone else, Keith pampered my sisters and I whenever he got the chance which would seem impossible to any who'd undergone his training.


I noticed that as he interrogated us, he skipped over the people that had the same expression as me. Blank, emotionless expressions like men indicated they'd been through hell, survived it and become stronger because of it. I could sense that Keith respected that in those like me.

"You!" Keith exclaimed suddenly, pointing at someone standing close to me. The person pointed at herself, asking if he meant her. Keith shook his head

"Not you! The one beside you! The one with purple hair and the boobs!" He exclaimed to which my eyes widened as I death glared the man. I never imagined him to act so. . .perverted. The downside about having a chest my size at fourteen years old was that EVERYONE noticed and never stopped noticing.

"Seriously? Keith, what the f*ck is the matter with you?" I asked, not caring whether or not I was supposed to respect him seeing as he was my superior. Everyone flinched at how disrespectful I sounded and were probably preparing to hear him scold me, then make me run a hundred laps, which I wouldn't do.

Keith snickered and ruffled my hair when he walked over to me, surprising everyone. "You haven't changed one bit." He commented. I scoffed and pushed his hand off of my head

"Yeah, so what?" I asked, frowning. Keith snickered once more before his stone cold facade suddenly reappeared and he went over to interrogate others, and yell at someone eating a potato.


Somehow, orientation had taken up almost the entire day but we were now free to unpack our things. I was currently sitting on the top bunk of a random bed, pulling out my belonging one by one when someone suddenly picked up one of my bras.

"You're bras are gigantic!" The girl exclaimed, holding them up for everyone to see. I quickly snatched my piece of underwear from the girl and glared at her.

"I'm sorry. That must have been embarrassing." The girl apologized before sticking out her hand "My name's Christa Lenz! It's a pleasure to meet you!" She introduced herself, giving me a close-eyed smile.

I stared at her hand for a while before relenting. "Phoenix Yukimaru, I guess it's nice to meet you too." I replied, returning to my unpacking.

"Can we be friends?!" Christa asked excitedly.

Wow, that was quick.

"I didn't come here to make friends." I replied, turning her down. An expression of disappointment began to overtake her features before I could finish my statement.

"I didn't come here to make friends but you went straight to the point, I like that so I guess I could give it a try, Christa." I said. Very deep down, I actually felt that special emotion a little because I'd made a friend so easily. Back in Shiganshina, people would run away from me because they said, and I quote 'too scary'. It was nice to find someone apart from my sisters who didn't run away from me at once.

"I'll see you at lunch!" Christa exclaimed happily, climbing down from my bunk and skipping away.

"Christa is mine." A disembodied voice spoke suddenly.

"I have no interest in Christa." I replied, not bothering to look for the owner of the voice. "I like someone else." It was true, I had a crush on someone else but she was infatuated with someone else, and that someone else she was infatuated with just so happened to be her adoptive brother.

Yes, I have a crush on Mikasa Ackerman. I see nothing wrong with that.



Ja, my fantabulous mini warriors!

🍰 -_Scarlet_Warrior_- 🍰

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