Teach Me || 015

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This is ridiculous.

You laughed at yourself.

He's just gonna say no.

You paced the length of the room back and forth, repeatedly. Your feet hurt but it was easily disregarded due to the fact that your heart was palpitating hard enough that if you would actually take a moment to relax, you could feel it pulse within your ear canals.

But, he's my best friend.


He's my best friend!

"Y'all ran out of Little Bites, by the way." A deep, muffled voice tugged you out of your internal conversation.

Looking up at him, you sighed.

He always eats my damn muffins.

He stands there with the plastic package in his hand, his large fingers digging inside to grab a miniature sized muffin and pop it into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously. You rolled your eyes, "I knew it was a mistake when I allowed you free range of my kitchen."

He smirked cheekily, sitting himself down on the edge of your bed. You follow, your mind refilling itself with an anxiety that you probably didn't need to worry about but, at this age, it seemed like everyone had already gotten it over with. Why hadn't you?

With your pouty lower lip and creases on your forehead from your eyebrows furrowing together, he was bound to say something.

It didn't take long.

"What's wrong, _____?" He asked, laying down on his side. You never saw the point of turning on your ceiling light when there was a perfectly good window right on the wall. You preferred sunlight to light-bulbs anyway. So, naturally, _______'s [color] eyes would catch the sunlight just right as it began it's departure below the horizon.

You hesitated and he let you take your time. The tension grew, the awkwardness sticking out like sore thumb.

It took another set of deep breaths and pacing to get the words out your mouth, his chewing the snack size muffins as he waited.

There was only, like, four in the bag. How slow does he eat?

"I haven't kissed anyone." The word-vomit comes out, spilling out into the atmosphere of the room, changing it, turning it into another thick vat of awkward.

He swallows audibly, speaking out before his throat had completely had the muffin in transport towards his stomach, causing his voice to dip an octave, "I know." His eyebrows corrugated together, not understanding the issue, "I haven't either."

You thought it was so odd that your best friend, who could get any girl he wanted, had never really had a girlfriend. Never in the four years that you've known him, have you seen him with a girl in a romantic way.

And how you became to be friends? Beyond you.

"Don't you wanna know what it's like? Isn't it scary to not know what it's like to do something that looks so easy? Something everyone does, at least once in their life." You sigh, collapsing down onto the bed, facing the ceiling.

"I mean, I guess.. I never really thought about it that way." His tone got significantly softer and you noticed the crinkling of the plastic bag had stopped.

"And it's not like I can just practice. Not only that but I want my first kiss to be special. With someone I trust." You rest your hands on your stomach, moving your arms out of the way when he reached to toss his trash into your garbage pail nearby. He lays on his back now, facing the ceiling just like you are.

It's coming soon. You gotta ask before it's too late.

"You trust me, don't you?" He whispered.

You noticed his head move to the side, towards you. You knew he was looking at you. But, this isn't how it was supposed to go. You were supposed to ask him. Not the other way around. You clam up again, sure that your cheeks are reddening by the second.

"______." He says your name.

"I do." You croak out, your voice just below a whisper. And with that, you ever so slowly move your head towards him, your eyes meeting his. Your face is so hot that you're sure you're about to melt into a puddle. Goosebumps raise on your arms, hairs pricking up like cacti needles.

He smiles reassuringly. A large, calloused hand comes out to brush your loose hair tendrils behind your face. You bit your lip out of nervousness. His thumb moves beneath your lips, onto your chin, gently drawing your bottom lip out from your teeth.

It was tug-of-war like that for only a few more moments.

You nodded. He nodded.

He smiled while you exhaled shakily.

He licked his lips and suddenly his face was closer.

His eyes closed and his nose brushed yours.

But, he didn't kiss you, not right away.

He nuzzled your nose. You finally let off a soft smile. You felt his faint laughter, his breath drafting across your lips. You licked them too. It seemed natural enough.

His head tilted more to the side and hesitantly, your hand came up to meet his cheek, resting there gingerly, as if it would alarm him if you were to let your fingerpads grip his [skin color] skin.

Then, it happened.

It's happening.

Your lips met with his lips and it wasn't nearly as horrible as you thought it was going to be. You had no other experience to compare it to but, as far as you know, it was.. beautiful.

Three seconds turned into another three seconds, which turned into five seconds, which turned into a series of uneven intervals of lips upon lips. Until finally, you both were too winded to go on.

He laid his forehead on yours, both of you grinning like idiots. Then, you were laughing like imbeciles. His hands had just roamed your body and your hands had drifted away from his face. There was nothing funny about it, no. But, maybe it's the fact that you both took gaiety of this action.

So much so that you did it a lot more often.

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