“I know you don’t want to listen to me, Callie, but I worry about you.—“

Hoping to forestall another mini-lecture, Callie interrupted her sibling.

“I know you do, Sam. But, really, Mr. McQuade’s presence actually helps me sleep better at night. I feel much safer with a grown man across the drive, truth be told. He is a perfect gentleman, as you just saw for yourself. Please, don’t worry about me.”

The two women studied each other, the only support group left of the family. Sam looked away first, sighing audibly.

“Ohhh, I worry about you still sis, out here with two men. But I’ll take your word for it. Just, be careful. Sleep with a gun nearby.”

Her older sister’s concern humbled Callie till she threw an arm around Sam and hugged her tight. They only had each other now. Dropping a quick peck on Sam’s cheek, Callie said quickly, “I always do, Sam. I always do.”

Hand in hand and at peace once more, the siblings walked to the wagon while Samantha hollered for her two children, who came reluctantly. Noah, and,  in the shadows, Sonny, both looked on. With hugs and kisses dispersed liberally, Callie stood aside and waved good bye to her family as they rolled back down the drive. Disaster in the form of Sam’s high strung temperament had been averted once more.

With a surreptitious glance thrown the gunfighter’s way, Callie gathered the empty glasses and lemonade pitcher in preparation to going back inside. She found herself extremely conscious of his presence, and even retreating inside didn’t change that fact.


   “I’m callin’ you out, McQuade. It’s your duty to grant my request. Now get your sorry ass out here.”

 Sonny leaned against the exterior wall of the saloon, feeling his stomach sink to the tops of his boots. Goddammit, but they were getting younger and younger, these young guns. If this one was eighteen he’d be surprised. And they all wanted their moment in the sun against the notorious gunslinger, Sonny McQuade.

 “Hurry it up mister! Otherwise I might just get the notion that you’re a chicken!”

 The kid had balls, Sonny had to give him credit. Two bad his brain wasn’t as big. Rolling a cigarette leisurely to buy the kid some time to come to his senses, the gunslinger watched from under his hat brim as the townspeople scurried off the street. Shit! Here went his afternoon of smokin’ and drinkin’ and whorin’.

 Striking a match off his boot heel, McQuade took a drag as he finally raised his head to study the newest challenger. Like a fire-breathing dragon, plumes of smoke left his mouth and nose while his eyes pierced through the fog as he considered the youth down in the street, hands twitching beside his double gun belt as he faced the older man. Well, hell, he’d better get this done quick-like. The kid was so nervous he’d probably shoot himself in the foot if Sonny didn’t make a move soon.

 Heaving a beleaguered sigh, the older gunfighter pushed himself away from the wall, tossed his half-smoked cigarette into the dusty road, and then slowly made his way down the wood steps and into the street, spurs jingling ominously. He took his place opposite the kid with the shakes, all humor dissipating like a drenched campfire. God, he hated these confrontations. Unless Sonny got his gun out fast enough to wing the poor bastard, another son would be sent home to his mama in a pine box. The gunfighter wearied of these altercations, a sign that he needed to get out of the business. But would anyone let him?...

 “…Say a prayer, gunfighter. I’m gonna be the one to take the mighty McQuade down today. Mark my words!”

 An eerie calm stole over the street, seeping into the bones of Sonny McQuade and rendering him motionless. It was as if he was cut from stone. Only his silver, snake’s eyes moved, honing in on the kid before him, reading him like a first grade primer. He could sense excitement, anxiety, rolling off his opponent. And fear. Lots of fear. That made Sonny pause. He didn’t want some frightened kid’s death on his conscience.

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