My Knight That Stayed In The Dark

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{ / All photos will be presented in the story as they come. My charecters picture along with Daemon will also be first before the story starts. Including what the castle looks like and the rooms that each scene will be taking place in at the time. Just a little note, Im really sorry about the lack of my stories. I've been going through alot of drama at my school that Im slowly dealing with so I will try to update as many storys as much as I can and If the drama starts up I will pre-write part for the stories so I can post them for you guys. Lets just get this little background started shall we? OOOOOO Wait, one more thing. This is going to have bad language and some sceanes in it. So, if you comfertable with that than cool, but if not than you can either leave by choice or you can continue with caution. I will be letting a warning of when those sceanes will be coming. Altright NOW we can start XD / So, This is basically going to be about my main OC ( Sky ) and her lover ( Daemon ). He is the knight that always protected her and she never could see. Sky was always very against the thought of love, or what she thinks love really means. She has never thought of herself as a " Worthy princess " And feels as if she is a disappointment to her parents that always ask things of her that she doesn't do. She has a power inside of her that she finds out about after her knight from their young ages finally takes off his mask to save her. Do you think it'll be worth it? }

/ Sky's look /

/ Alex's look will come when he shows himself to Sky /

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

/ Alex's look will come when he shows himself to Sky /

/ The castle and yes this is part fantasy /

Sky's POV: ' There was always something I didn't seem to understand

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Sky's POV: ' There was always something I didn't seem to understand. Why I was supposed to accept what I was given when I had earned nothing. I was born and there was everything laid out in front of me and I was just to be able to take all of that in. I would always turn. I could never accept it. I know, strange hm? A princess that wouldn't take what she got? I just... It never felt right to me, even when I was a little girl. I could never just take what I was given. My parents thought I was crazy, always said that my brothers or sisters would turn out just like me but after I was born, they couldn't have kids. So they were stuck with the defect that I was. Fun right? ' I shook my head slightly smiling in my thoughts, I sat on a wind ceil next to a window as I looked out on the town below as I looked down at the T-Shirt, shorts, and boots I was wearing ' It's selfish of me isn't it. I get all of this, doing nothing but breathing. Opening my eyes and I got everything that I have. When those people....They have to work. They have to work just to keep a roof over their heads. To get dinner for a night out of seven...It doesn't make any sense to me of why I got to have all of these things while all of them had to suffer. My parents took it all in like it was nothing. They were always giving me things, jewelry, dresses, just things because they thought that it would make me the princess they want the most. Well you know what I saw to that shit. Fuck that. ' I heard a knock at my door as my head turned to face it, the echo going through the hollow space in my room as I slowly got up from the window seat, closing the window as I took one more look out of it and I slowly walked to the door as It knocked again like the person on the other side of the door was getting impatient. I got to the door and opened it slightly to see one of the maids looking at me with concern, " Are you alright dear..? " She said as concerned as she looked, and nodded slightly, " Im fine Carly...What did you need..? " I said, really just wanting to close the door and return to my thoughts, but I could see in her eyes that that want wasn't going to happen. " Your parents are calling for supper. A few family members are visiting from the Northern kingdom. They wanted you to get into a good dress, and they wanted my to do something to your ha- " I put my hand up slightly as she stopped talking and looked at me " I know how to dress appropriately on my own Carly. Thank you. I'll be down in a few minutes. " She nodded slowly and turned to walk down the long hall, I closed the door and looked at the closet and I slowly walked over to it, looking into it feeling guilty as I looked down at my own cloths and I shook my head a bit " Be a good little princess Sky. That's what I'm doing. A good princess. Doing what I'm told. " I rolled my eyes and clenched my fists slightly as I put my arms in the middle of the closet as I separated the two parts in the closet as I looked at the dresses, as I looked through them and I looked at a black one as I put my finger to my chin " I wonder if this is ' greeting family ' appropriate~ " I laughed softly to myself as I looked down and dropped my arm as I pushed the dress aside " Not doing that shit. Not today at least. " I looked at another black dress just after the other as I looked it up and down. " Alright. Let's get this over with. " I grabbed the dress and changed out of my clothes and into the dress as it slightly dragged behind me slightly on the ground as I walked to my mirror and sat down and looked at my hair in a ponytail as I slowly grabbed the brush off of the dresser and took out my hair from the hair tie as it fell down to my lower back, I carried two parts of my thick, black hair in front of my shoulders as It had a slight curl to it and I slowly started to brush it, it slowly getting a bit straighter as a few minutes went by and another knock was heard at the door as I sighed slightly, putting down the brush and walked to the door, assuming that it was Carly again, " Carly, I just said I needed a bit of time. I said I'd be down in a few- " I opened the door to see one of the guards, one that I didn't recognize but he was a few inches taller than I with bright green eyes. He looked at me slightly surprised of what I had said as I looked at him instantly with a different look " I...apologize Sir. I..thought you were someone else " I opened the door more so Its didn't seem like I was being disrespectful as I leaned slightly against the door, my hip just slightly popping out at my stand " What can I do for you? " He looked at me slightly up and down then finally after a minute of drooling over himself, he met my eye " Your...Family just got here. Carly was going to come up her to let you know but she got caught up in some things with preparing the spare rooms. She asked if I could take you down to greet them. All of them haven't arrived yet but I would be glad to take to down myself if you'd like Princess. " I looked at him and was throwing up in my mind. I had no interest in being in a relationship, but I smiled on the outside kindly as I looked up at him " I appreciate the thought Sir, but I am completely able to get there on my own. Thank you. " He looked at me like he was going to say something but I closed the door before he could as I leaned against it ' Im going to love the day where I am allowed to hold a sword in my hand along with the guys and beat all of them up. ' I smiled at the thought of me really being able to do that as I went back to the dresser mirror and looked at the make-up and looked at myself and rolled my eyes " Like hell. " I brushed the rest of my hair as I braided my hair really fast because I've done it so much, leaving my from bang out of it and I looked at myself in the mirror " Just a few hours Sky. Just have to last a few hours. " I put on some heels that made ne just a little taller but not that much as I headed for the door as I grabbed the handle and I close my eyes ' Put on the smile Sky. Just for a little bit. ' I shook my head slightly as I smiled and I opened my eyes and opened the door and headed down the hallway, my dress dragging behind me as my hair hung just below my butt as I walked down the stairs as people's voices were heard, a lot of them as I looked down slightly at my chest to see a necklace around my neck that had only one charm one it, and it was something that I wore for years but I could never remember where I had gotten it from, but It never felt right to take it off. As I walked down the stairs I heard the talking turn to a whisper than silent as all too familiar faces were seen, old family members looked at me in shook of what I looked like as I got down the rest of the stairs and they greeted me as I did back to them. I smiled the smile the faked all to well, to keep my parents happy. Guards stood straight along the stairways and hallways on the palace as the family members all wondered around the living room area, family talking to family, friends talking to friends, and me talking to them. I was there, there was no where else I could go. Not like a princess gets a lot of alone time. Especially an 18 year old who needs to be ready for taking care for the palace when my parents died or they could hand it over to me, but I honestly don't think they would do that. They always say that ' You need to get yourself out of your head because a real princess isn't looked at for her head. Only for her smile and her respect ' I hate it when they say that to me. Long story short I usually get sent up to my room, but right now I had to smile and wave. We all later migrated over to the dining room. I took my seat next to my father who was at the head of the table with my mother across from me as the rest of the family was at the seats that lead into a path besides me and my mothers sides. The guards were all standing against the walls surrounding the room. As I talked to the family...I always noticed one guard that on the far side of the room with his helmet on that when I would just glance at him, he would instantly ver his look away from mine. I wasn't sure if I knew him or not but his eyes....His eyes were definitely something that seemed strangely familiar to me, but being a princess I wasn't allowed to go up to guard and speak, because all of the guards were men, I would have to wait until they came up to me. A lady didn't have the ' right ' to really do that kind of thing but I could tell that he wouldn't come up to me because of how nervous he was, but I did always wonder about him. I then closed my eyes. The sound of people clinking glasses was a beautiful sound, almost like wind chimes. Why, than, did I feel unbearably sad? I then opened my eyes and looked around the table as I saw the guard looking at me again. This time our eyes met and he looked down again. His shyness seemed to go through me, I could feel it from him, It actually made me smile. I caught my fathers glare at me as I looked at him with a glass in his hand as I snapped back into reality and smiled at him, clinking my own glass to his and taking a sip. I then noticed the guard was looking at me again. I didn't know why it made me feel so weird.. I had never talked to him before so... ' I really didn't understand his looks to me. But did I mind them? ' I smiled slightly looking down at my food ' No. No I didn't. '

/ Timeskip 4 hours /

After dinner, everyone said their goodbyes to each other as their carriages came to picked them up as my parents went back to their normal business and I took off my heels and quickly head up the stairs before my parents could call me back down to do something for them. At the time I didn't notice but when I got to my room door I realized that the guard had watched me run up the steps, looking like he was trying to get my attention. I turned back to see if he had followed me but the hall was empty. My hand on the room door as I slightly looked at the ground as I pushed the door open and just threw the shoes into my room and went to go back down the stairs but the man from before was blocking my path and I slightly jumped because I didn't even hear him walk up. He smiled at me " You going somewhere Princess? " He looked at me with a weird look, not one that I usually saw from him, I shook my head slightly " I'm just going for a walk is all. " He slightly smirked at me, sending a weird feeling through me. " Look, I'll just go. " I went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm and covered my mouth and pushed me back into my room than shut the door behind him as I tripped on my dress and looked at him. ' Oh he can't be fucking serious. ' He smirked down at me as he walked to me, I lifted my dress slightly as I kicked his leg and he fell. I got up to my feet but he followed my steps as I tried to get to my bed where I hid a dagger. He pushed me to the all, my back being against him as I slightly tensed up ' Oh fuck this shit ' I threw my head back and elbowed him in the chest and he let go as I turned around and kicked him away from me as I went to my desk grabbing my sword and going to him as he instantly got scared as I pushed him against the wall and put the sword to his throat, he put his hands up looking at me in slightly fear. " You leave and never talk to me or try to contact me in any way ever again. Or I can report you, release you of your job, or have my parents execute you or do it myself if you decide not to leave. Chose fast. " He looked at the blade slightly, " Oh, come one honey. You wouldn't actually think of doing something now would yo- " I pushed the blade against his throat a bit more. " You want to find out or do you want to leave. " He looked up at me actually slightly scared, " A-Alright Alright! I'll leave. " I looked at him and pushed him against the wall again than backed up as I held the sword in my hand as the medal touched the ground and he bolted out of the room and the door shut behind him as I looked down slightly and instantly changed into more comfortable clothes. I rolled my eyes a bit and turned around to see my window open, I slightly tilt my head as I walked to the window, slightly looking around it and out of it and I slowly grabbed the doors and closed the window completely and locked it. I slowly traced my hands down the glass and i looked at the sun and smiled a bit getting really excited as I put the sword down on the window seat I was on and I went to my closet, changing into some flexible close, some old assassins training close that my parents didn't know I had and I went back to get my sword, putting it in my holder on my hip as I went to the mirror and put my hair up and I Than went out of my room as I passed a few people that weren't paying any attention to me and I ran out of the castle doors and started going into the woods.

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