Chapter 1

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( We have been friends for a long time so youŕe like a little sister to me. And I promise to protect you with my life)

You were walking around the woods by yourself. Until you ran into a familiar face. 

(y/n): Oh Bronze, itś just you... You scared me.

Bronze: Well sorry (y/n). What are you doing out here anyway?

(y/n): I was walking around to clear my mind..

Bronze: You should be more careful. Itś dangerous out here.

(y/n): but youŕe out here...

Bronze: Iḿ protecting my village. I heard that there was trouble out here so I cam to check it out...*looks out into the woods. Sees something shiny* (y/n) run....

(y/n): *you start running* 

??: *chases us*

Bronze: *looks back. Sees ?? chasing us* (y/n) run faster...

(y/n): I can't run any faster...*you start slowing down*

Bronze: *growls* Fine then.. Garroth open the gate!!!!

Garroth: Yes Lord Bronze. *he opens the gate*

*we run through the gate and Garroth quickly shuts it behind us*

??: *hits the gate hard* *growls* I'll be back for you Lord Bronze and you, (y/n)....*leaves*

Garroth: Lord Bronze are you alright?! *he ran towards us*

Bronze: I'm fine. Are you alright (y/n)?

(y/n): I'm fine Bronze but I don't have a place to stay...

Bronze: I got that covered. You can stay with me besides Zane is out of town and I get lonely in that big house. (BTW Zane is going to be my future husband XD) 

(y/n): Thanks... Bronze your arm itś bleeding...

Bronze:*looks at my arm* I'll be fine (y/n) I promise *i smiled*

*we all went to bed* 

But little did we know that we had people watching us...

?? POV:

??: I was close to them both and I let them escape....*punches the nearest tree*

???: Hey look youĺl get them tomorrow partner...*he smiles*

??: Oh yes I will....*he looked at ??? with a big grin*

(Sorry for it being kinda short. This is my first story so I hope you enjoy XD!!! And if you want lemons later on let me know and I'll try to add it in there.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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