"Well that's reassuring.. now would you tell me why I was dragged here to this abomination of a guild?" Michello asked as he then looked over at Sting.

"Oh! Explain everything you told us about what Taratrus could be going after to Master Natsu!" Sting answered Michello with a quick grin as he held Lector in his hands.

"Aye sir! About Face to!" Happy quickly chipped in.

"Face.." Natsu muttered as his eyes widened. That was a name hidden by the magic council for many reasons. A weapon that many did not know of.

"Face.. what about it?" Master Makarov asked as he stood up and faced Michello. The mood inside of the Fairy Tail guild building suddenly dropped. Everyone was silent.. they all could hear each other's small breaths as they waited for a answer.

"Face.. it has to be the only reason why Tarturus is going after all the magic council men. They need to find the three people with the keys to face.. the best way to find them is to just kill them all." Michello quickly explained aloud as he watched Natsu and Master Makarov stand there and think.

"If that's true.. why would they need to activate face for? They've proven that there strong enough if they can easily go kill off hundreds of people." Natsu pondered aloud as his brain turned.

"What about something they're trying to keep hidden?"

"Hmm.. maybe." Natsu quickly replied to the tired female voice that came from the story above them. "Hmm? Well it seems your up, how was your rest?" Natsu then asked as he turned back and smiled up to Erza.

Erza was standing above everyone as she stood there on the balcony. Her clothing was hidden behind a small soft white fur blanket still wrapped around her. Her red hair was a mess and going every which way as she yawned.

"Good, though I'm still still tired and curious how I ended up here." Erza replied as she leaned up against the oak brown wooden railing and peared around at everyone. The first thing she noticed was how stressed out Master Makarov was.. had something happened? Next she saw the man next to Sting, the old man had brown hair with two cat like ears sticking out of it. Last was Natsu who had a gentle calm smile on.

"Now what Erza said could be a possibility. We only know little information about this group and we're still hoping for more." Natsu announced aloud as he looked everyone in there eyes. Fear, nervousness, and excitement; those were the things that popped into his mind as he looked at everyone. Some of the Fairy Tail mages were scared and nervous. Others were excited to see what would happen next and a few were fear stricken.

"Keys.. so the three people were the keys to unlock this Face?" Levy asked aloud as her brain was turning, she already had multiple books out in front of her as she dove through them looking for knowledge of Face and Tartarus.

"Yes.. hmm.. that's a possibility, but why would you want to know that?" Michello replied and asked back to Levy.

"Simply because of what Gildarts told us." Levy replied with a smile as her brain began to work even faster. "When Gildarts arrived he told us that one of the nine demons didn't want to fight as they wanted to use the new found knowledge of Fairy Tail and put it into there plan. If we use the logic that Taratrus wants to have everything according to there plans.. then you would think that one of the three keys would be with Taratrus right now. So we simply have to scan Fiore for the magic council members." Levy explained her plan as she quickly pulled out several stones.

With that she threw them into the air as they began hover in place and grow. Slowly in front of them a 3d map of Fiore was formed for all eyes could see. Levy then began to send magic into the stones as she began to scan for the magic council members.

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