Part 20: Graduation (Final Chapter)

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The time has come. The time they were all moving up in the world. Their carefree little souls about to move somewhere more complex.

Their time together felt so short, yet long.

They all had grown, not just physically. Emotionally, mentally, etc.

Well...some of them grew that way. Some just didn't grow at all.

They all have joined a family that they were all gonna grow up with. They've learned to support each other, and have each other's back.

"Everyone! Today is the last day! We have to make it count for the better of our teachers!" Jyugo announced, standing on a chair.

   "But the last time we all tried to walk to the mall, Samon took away TV time, AND limited recess." Uno complained, pointing to the TV that was sitting on the colorful rug.

"Don't worry! We can make them something! Like...a a way to remember us! But it has to be a special card!" Jyugo scanned around the room.

Everyone else just looked up at him, wondering when he would get down. Hajime and Samon would be returning any moment now with their snacks.

   "You know...imma miss you all...and Hajime and Samon..." spoke Liang, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. They started to stream down his face, as he loudly screamed.

"No, don't cry Liang. We still have ways we can see each other!"

   "HOW?! I WON'T BE ABLE TO COME HERE ANYMORE!" The crying continued, and everyone gave him a nice big hug. Drying his tears.

"Liang?! Why are you crying?! Guys what happened?!" Samon almost dropped everything trying to make his way over to the crying child. Hajime just stood back, since he mostly ended up being the bad guy.

The children all surrounded poor Liang, his non stop bubble tears just continuing to come down.

"It's okay Liang, tell you what, listen to me." Samon said, lifting Liangs' chin. Giving a reassuring smile. "We could arrange a little trip during the summer okay? Just this class."

   Everyone's face lit up.

   A huge, loud, cheer filled the small classroom.

   "TO THE BEACH!" Everyone chanted, well...

   ...almost everyone.

   "FOOD!" Chanted Rock.

   Samon and Hajime smiled, seeing this trip as a set deal, the only thing left was to get permission from each parent to let them go.

Which hopefully will be simple.

* * *

Jyugo screeched, realizing the day was almost coming to an end.

"WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING FUN!" He screamed, then ran around and circled everyone up, "THE DAYS ALMOST DONE AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN DONE ANYTHING!"

   "Jyugo! Jyugo! Wait wait! First, stop screaming. Second, take a deep breath. What is it you want to do?"

"SOMETHING FUN! HIDE 'N SEEK!" He shouted, and everyone stopped whatever they were doing. Then scattered.

Not just in the room.

The building.


"Don't say it Hajime."

* * *

Liang and Rock both were hanging out in the cafeteria. In Rocks mind, it was the best place to hide. They have endless supply of food while they hide.

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