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Josh stood in a school hallway, leaning against his locker. He was looking at guys that would walk by. Nothing special. There was a boy here and there that Josh would consider pretty or very pretty. He knew no names, but they didn't matter anyways.

Then, a figure walked beside him; he didn't manage to catch his face. But he was tall, skinny and his hair looked very nice. Josh's mind started traveling to places it didn't even know existed in Josh's brain. The boy's movements were so pretty, so delicate in a way. He had the most beautiful laugh, it sounded like the most beautiful song in the world. His clothes were black; sweatpants and a hoodie.

Actually Josh saw this guy quite a few times today already. He just never managed to take a look at his face because he'd always get distracted by-

"Hi, Josh! What are you doing?"

Josh groaned "Debby, every single time!"

"Y'know, if you told me what you're doing, I'd know how to help whatever I distracted you from" Debby shrugged, taking Josh's maths notebook from his hands and opening the page with homework, examining it seriously.

Now, the tricky part was this. Josh can't tell Debby he's actually looking at guys. He sure as hell can't tell her he found a guy who he's kinda interested in. He already told her he'll just trick Tyler into thinking he did look at guys.

Yes, that's what he told her. But he was actually looking at guys. B- Because it's an experiment.

Being attracted to someone was weird, Josh was quick to conclude after seeing the mystery boy from the back the second time. It gave him an odd excitement in his stomach, a smile would always find its way onto his face. He didn't understand why at all. Literally the first day he starts looking, he finds a guy he likes.

No. No. He doesn't like this guy. He just wants to know what he looks like. That's it. That's why he's "interested". Because he likes to have all mysteries solved. Yeah.

"Hello" Debby dragged the word out, waving her hand in front of Josh's eyes which were desperately trying to find the mystery boy between the other students "The bell rang, did you not hear?"

Josh blinked trice rapidly, cut out of his thoughts "Y- Yeah, let's go to class"

Debby groaned as they walked, not another word shared between them.


This was the first time of his life that Josh didn't pay attention to the class. He just took his pencil, opened a random page in a random notebook and lied his head down on his arm which was resting on the table. He just made some dark lines, not actually sure what they're gonna make in the end.

The bell finally rang, Josh had no notes written down. He stood up, taking a proper look at what he had drawn.

It was the mystery boy.

From the back, of course. He looked like any other figure with short hair atop his head with the sides shaved, a plain black hoodie and black sweatpants. That's all. But it meant something more to Josh.

Biting his lip tightly, Josh closed the notebook, gathered his things and left the classroom.

It was time for lunch. Josh searched for Debby, since she had left the classroom before him. She was at the table they were seated at last time. Pete, Melanie and Ashley sat with here; but there was no sign of Tyler.

Josh sat down between Debby and Pete, which Debby didn't seem to be very happy about "Hello"

"Hi, homophobe" Melanie smiled widely at Josh who just cringed at her weird make up and whole appearance.

"C'mon Mel" Pete shook his head.

"He insults my friend, I insult him" Melanie shrugged, taking a big bite of her green apple.

Pete proceeded to shake his head at her, taking a moment to smile at Josh. Josh smiled back, glad Pete's trying to become friends with him.

Josh couldn't help but wonder "Where's Tyler?"

The boy beside him swallowed his bite of sandwich and quickly answered "He's got some basketball thing. I think he's trying for the school team"

Josh nodded thankfully, figuring it'd be nice of him to ask Tyler how'd he do if he bumps into Tyler. Tyler seemed to be very into basketball, Josh hoped he does his best and makes it on the team.

"So" Debby started to giggle, playing with her hair "Pete, what are you doing tonight?"

Pete swallowed yet another piece of sandwich "Football practice"

"Ooh, you're a football player?" Debby giggled like an idiot again, making Josh first cringe but then just shake his head when he realized what she was doing. He's witnessed Debby attempting to flirt many times.

Pete suddenly started to laugh, covering his mouth with the back of his hand until he calmed down, a wide grin still on his face "Not the kind you're thinking about, sugar"

Frowning in confusion, Debby sat up and tilted her head "What do you mean?"

"Ever heard of soccer?" Pete chuckled, rising an eyebrow.

Debby now cringed, looking away and eating her sandwich. Josh and Pete laughed quietly at her; Ashley probably would too if she were paying any attention to the conversation.

Then, Josh saw him again. The mystery boy. He was in a hallway, standing alone; probably playing on his phone.

This was his best chonce. It's now or never.

Josh stood up in an instance, making his friends ask him what's wrong, but he had no time to answer. He ran into the hallway, accidentally touching the cafeteria door; it closed from the touch, loudly banging shut behind him.

The noise alarmed the boy, making him quickly turn around and look into Josh's eyes.

Josh's eyes widened "Oh"

Wrong • Joshler • 2nd versionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz