Ch. 1

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    I don't remember much, unfortunately. For all I know I could be dead right now. I can see my lifeless body lying motionless in the hospital bed, connected to machines left and right. My heart is still beating. My blood still runs through my veins; According to the doctors of course. White symbolizes innocence and purity, yet the situation I put myself in contradicts this color as I lay in a white hospital room.
    In case you're too slow to comprehend at this point I, Lorisa Hale, am in a coma. I'm a human vegetable. Im practically dead, but my stuborn parents dont want to accept the possibility that their kid will no longer be responsive. They don't want to let me go. Then again what parent in their right mind would? I did this to myself. I did this to them. If I'm able to walk around the hospital like a ghost, wouldnt I be concidered dead?
    For 3 months I stayed in my room, sitting cross-legged at the edge of my bed. Watching doctors come in and out, checking up on me and leaving with the same results. Im still not awake and my body is still motionless. At times my parents come in, but those moments are harder than seeing the nurses. My mom sits by my bed and holds onto my cold hand. I can feel a small tingling sensation whenever my body is touched. My father hardly comes. Whenever he does, he always sits away from me. Is he mad? Is he dissapointed? I can't tell even though he cries. Maybe he's just scared. Or he may even feel responsible for this. He should. Whenever he comes I get upset. I, myself, cry whenever he does.
     I'm only a burden now. I wish they would just pull the plug.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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