Around the Clock

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I checked to see if anyone else still had a plus or any signs of life. All to only find just four survivors, me ,Yang,and my two children both of which were clinging to life."Dammit we were so close."Yang muttered under his breath."Shut up Yang and help me with the kids." I growled at him knowing once again I have to go back."Alright Yin..." He said with sadden eyes as he picked up my eldest son who layed almost limp in his grasp.Unlike my youngest who was trying to reach out to his brother.his eyes starngely glowing whilst he reached out his hand hyperventilating as if he couldn't take the pain."M-mutti?" Templar weesed out between short breaths of air."shhhh it's ok I'm here my son." I said trying my best to make it to the time room running passed the corpses of my brother ,and father on the way there." Yin that thing been awfully quiet." Yang warned me as I found open the door door to find said thing starring at me teeth ready and sharp for the kill."YANG CATCH!" I yelled as I tossed my son at him and drew my scythe. It roared and came at me with it's murderous will.I dived and dodged but for one swing not fast enough cuasing it to cut off my horn. blood as black as the night spattered across the floor. It wasn't fast enough to dodge one of my blows either causing me to cut off it head."Come on Yang." I said staggering forward to the grandfather clock. the only hope and pain in this world for me now."Well than Yang tick tock times up." I said a really corny pun hoping to at least hear one of my sons laugh for a bit I heard nothing but than I heard a very faint."keseses...." I breathed a sigh of relief that laugh was one of the reasons why I kept going I took the hands of the clock and turnned them back to midnight. Within a resounding chim that rang thourgh the world I fell backwards and let the nightmare countine.

Tick Tock our time is up! (A :O Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora