Chapter 1

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It was the first day of school. To be exact, the first day of highschool for (f/n) and her bestfriend.

You bid goodbye to your mother and got out of your house. As you close your gate, you saw your best friend also close his gate.

You walk over to your best friend and greeted him.

" Tobio-chan! Ohayo!" You greeted him with a big smile.

"Ohayo!"He greeted you.

"Lets go?!" You asked him.

He nodded and the two of you made your way to your school.

While on your way, the two of you chatted.

"So , what club are you going to join?" You asked him.

He gave you a face that says You-already-know-it.

You giggled.

"Well goodluck on joining volleyball." You said.

"What?! You don't think I can be accepted?! Huh?! Is that it?! He told you while glomping on you and messing your hair.

"That's not what I meant and I didn't say anything like that." You said defending yourself.

" And stop it, your messing my hair." You said pushing him away and fixing your now messy hair.

"How about you? What club are you going to join?" He asked you.

"I don't really know." You sighed.

Kageyama pats you on the head. You know that this is his way of comforting you.

You know him since you two were kids. The two of you are best friends since birth. Your families are close to each other. Also , the two of you are neighbors and of course, childhood friends. You know everything about him just as much as he knows everything about you.

He's like an older brother for you.

And for him, you were like his little sister. Always tagging along with him.

Even going to the same school as him. He didn't mind at all. He likes your company.

Even though you were clingy sometimes.

The two of you cannot be separated no matter how some people tried to separate the two of you.

Like your parents and Kageyama's. They tried to separate the two of you sometimes. They just like to tease the two of you. You two were always together.

Some people even think that the two of you are in a relationship. But the two of you know that your just friends.

Everywhere Kageyama goes, then there will be you tagging along. And even vice versa(which means everywhere you go, Kageyama will be there tagging along).

You always visit each others house. The two of you also love playing volleyball together. you admire his passion for volleyball an as a setter. His full control on the ball and his concentration while on a match.

But there was one time you weren't there, when they lost from another school and his teammates left him. The time when he was called "KING OF THE COURT ".

You were also having a match that time, and and to your luck, your team won.

You still remember it.


You arrive home early, because you were to tired due to the match. Your team just celebrated by eating ice cream which you bought for them as their prize and after that, you all decided to go home. Resulting to home alone. You then realized that Tobio hasn't replied to your text. You decided to call him, but he didn't answer. You decided to go to his house.

My Partner's Bestfriendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें