Chapter 11

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Author note:

Hi everyone!

I was planning on posting this sooner but for some reason it took me  a bit longer.
I hope everyone had an awesome  Halloween! What did you dress up as?

In this chapter Damon and Bella’s pov will switch a couple of times. Have fun reading this chapter! Don’t forget to review I love reading what you guys think!

disclaimer: i dont own twilight or the vampire diaries! i wish i did lol!

Chapter 11


Next Saturday will be my birthday, September 13th. I haven’t told my friends and I am not planning to. I hate being in the center of attention.

It was Saturday evening now and the party would start in 2 hours. Elena, Caroline and Bonnie all three promised they would drag me to it if i wouldn’t come a long. So i figured that i would just go. Especially since there is a vampire and witch that could easily force me. Charlie had to work today. I hope he won’t get a call to check it out. He thought I would sleep over at Caroline with Bonnie and Elena. Stefan would come along as well. As were Matt, Tyler and Jeremy. Damon wasn’t coming along he was doing something with Ric. I was a bit disappointed he wouldn’t be there. There was something in me that wanted to be near him. I don’t know why. If it was love I would know right after Edward. I cringed. I haven’t really thought his name in a long time. I was always afraid it would hurt so much. But I was surprised it wasn’t as strong as before. I smiled. Dont get me wrong it still hurt to think about him, also his family. I shook my head i didn’t want to start thinking about them.

I walked to my closet and put on a black skinny jeans, boots and a white t-shirt. I walked to my bathroom and put some make-up on. I kept it light. I don’t really like wearing it that much. I went back to my room to lay down on my bed and to read in the Swan family tree book.

I was reading about the founding of Mystic Falls out of my father’s eyes. If was interesting to read. It still feels weird to think he actually wrote it and that I was born in the 1800's. After a while I fell asleep.

~1800’s Bella’s dream/memory~~

I was walking towards the cemetery to visit my mother’s final resting place. I missed her with all my heart. She was kind and full of love. She would help anyone she could. Tomorrow would be my birthday, a day that wouldn’t be the same without my mother or my best friends. Damon said he and Stefan wanted nothing to do with me. That he said I was whore had shocked me. We never had a romantic relationship. I wish i would have told him I was in love with him sooner. When I told him it was to late he has a different look in his eye as if he was controlled by something. I would probably be that Kathrine girl. Since she arrived in town Damon and Stefan began to act strange. I sincerely disliked the girl. I could see the sky turn orange and pink signalling the day is almost at an end. I could see the fence of the cemetery getting closer.

It hurt thinking about Damon I never would have thought that he would do this to me. I went through the fence and made my way to my mother’s grave it wasn’t far but it was getting darker and darker outside.

I sat down infront of the stone angel statue. When I was smaller I insisted she was an angel with her blond hair and blue eyes. I looked a lot like my father but I do have my mother’s face, my dad’s skin tone, eyes and hair.

There was a strange kind of feeling going through my body as if i was being watched. I looked around me but didn’t see anyone. The feeling didn’t went away. I decide I would go home again I walked over the path back towards the fence l. It was almost dark now but the moon started to light up the forest. When I closed the fence behind me I saw someone walking towards me. I knew it was the person who was watching me earlier. For some reason I got a feeling she wasn’t good. I knew it was a woman since she was wearing a dress. I could see that from her silhouett.

I quickly turned around and quickened my pass. I could hear open the gate of the fence. My heartbeat quickened a ominous feeling was filling my body. I needed to get away from this person fast. My feet began to run I could hear them on the forest floor. The town was 3 minutes away. I hope I can make it. No I can make it! I thought. I needed to think positively.

I looked over my shoulder my pursuer nowhere to be seen. I still got the feeling I was being watched. Telling me she was still somewhere hidden in the trees. I looked ahead again. All of a suddend she appeared 100 meters before me. I could see her face. She was a bit taller than me.

“It’s a pitty Emily told me not to hurt you.” I didn’t know who the voice belonged to. It sounded familiar, but I never heard it before. Why didn’t I go to the formal functions. I probably would know who stood before me then. Before I knew it she grabbed my throat. I could see her face now. I think her name was Pearl. She had an evil smile on her face. Underneath her eyes were small black veins. Her eyes had more veins as usual too. Her eyes looked animal like. When she spoke again I saw two longer, sharp teeth. She scared me. “You are one of the founding families. I find them all despicable. I wonder if you taste as nice as that mother of yours.”

My mother?! She killed my mother. Before I could ask anything the hid me on the head and everything went black.

------end of dream------

The sound of ringtone startled me awake. I looked around my room, realising I wasn’t dreaming anymore. I grabbed my phone and answered the call.

“Hello” I said. You could still hear the sleep in my voice.

“ Bella are you Okay? We were ringing your doorbell for 10 minutes” Elena sounded worries.

“I’m fine sorry I didn’t wake up earlier. I will be right down.”

I hung up and made my way downstairs.  I’m glad I put on my boots before I fell asleep. I grabbed my purse and keys, opened the front door and greeted my friends. Tyler, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt and Caroline went ahead since we wouldn’t fit in one car.

“You look a little pale Bella are you sure you are feeling fine?” Stefan asked. 

“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled. They didn’t ask more. I was greatful about it. I wonder what happend after she hit me. I knew she was talking about Emily Bennett, she was Kathrine Pierce’s maid. She is Bonnie’s ancestor. She put the spell on me. So this memory is part of a night I wish i wouldn’t have to remember. I know it won’t be a nice experience.

We walked to the Elena’s car and got in.  Stefan drove and Elena told me about how the party would be. I wasn’t surprised there would be alcohol, red cups and dancing. She said it would be fun I doubt it. It was in the middle of the forest, but not to far from the cemetery. I got a bit nervous. Remembering the memory I just got back again. For some reason I got a feeling I should’ve stayed home. We were almost there so I couldn’t go back now.

5 minutes later Stefan pulled the car over. I got out and saw more cars in front of yours . Nicely parked behind each other. I could hear the music, the wind carrying it towards us. We followed it and not long after I started recognizing people from school when we came closer. We ended up in a clearing in the forest. It wasn’t anything like the meadow in forks. I was glad I wore my boots. The clearing had a bit of grass but the rest was dirt and twigs. There were already cups on the forest floor. People dancing around to the music. Others were talking to friend with a drink in hand. There was a small table with drinks. Alcoholic and none alcoholic. In the trees were lights. How they managed to make that work I don’t know. But it reminds me of my first prom in Forks.

We spotted  our friends near a small camp fire. They smiled at us, waving us over.

“Glad you guys are finally here Caroline almost squealed when we made it over.

“Sleeping beauty finally woke up” Tyler joked. I blushed.

“leave her alone Tyler” Elena said. I really didn’t mind. I could take a joke. It was kind of her to stick up for me.  After hugging the others Elena dragged me to the table. Putting something in the red cups. I never had alcohol as far as I can remember. She gave it to me and then dragged me to the make shift dance floor. I took a sip and made a face I definitely wasn’t regular soda. I did like the taste. The alcohol was something I needed to get used to. We began to move on the dance floor, laughing when one of us made a funny dance move. The rest of our friends came over too. We acted silly and had a great time.

After a while my feet started to hurt and my surroundings started spinning from the alcohol. I walked towards a cut down tree trunk and sat down on it. It felt good and I closed my eyes.


This day didn’t seem to come to an end. I am stuck here interrogating the vampire who killed the girl behind the Grill. The guy that is sitting infront of me wasn’t an old vampire. He was reckless. Ric had tied him to the chair with Vervain soked ropes. He couldn’t move and was weak now. The torture didn’t have its desired effect. My patients was running out I was about to stake him when my phone rang. Elena’s name showed on the screen. She was at that party why the hell would she call me?!

“I need to take this.” I said to Ric. He nodded and went into hunter mode. A side of him I didn’t want to be facing again. He is one of the few people I could call a friend. I walked towards the door of this small room, that was in our home in the basement, towards the living room.

“Elena for what do I owe the pleasure for this call” I knew she could hear I was irritated.

“Damon I wouldn’t call if it wasn’t needed. It’s Bella she was sitting on a tree trunk and I looked 2 minutes later and she was gone. I thought she maybe grabbed a drink or was at the car. We can’t find her. Stefan is already looking for her in the forest.”

I didnt need to hear more. “ I am on my way”

I hung up the phone and ran down the stairs. Grabbed a stake and put it in the vampires heart. I was fucking done with this shit. Ric looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 

“He wasn’t going to talk I was done wasting time. And now fucking Isa is missing at the party in the woods.”

“I am going with you. I will take care of this first and then I will come to the forest” he pointed at the now grey veiny looking vampire. I nodded and ran as fast as I could towards the party.  The trees flew by me in a blur.  I could hear the party music coming closer and I could start to hear people talking. Not long after I saw Elena. She told me Stefan left to search and showed me where she last saw Isa. I knew she knows better then to wonder off by herself in the forest. I quickly told to stay here for if she came back. I didn’t wait for her reply as I took off in the different direction Stefan took.

Where could she fucking be!? I just found her again. She is my best friend whom I thought was dead for a long time. I will fucking kill the person who did this. I kept flying through the trees,I could here my feet crashing down on the forest floor.


It was like my body was moving on it’s own. It felt like a movie. I was at the party one second and all off a sudden it was like I was in a memory again or a dream. This time I didn’t see it as my former self. I was me but in a completely different Mystic Falls I wore a dress with a corset and a corset that made it hard to breath. I wasn’t used to this anymore and I am happy about that. Wearing this to high school would suck.

My feet were still moving on it’s own. I wonder where they would take me. I got nervous. Why is this different? All of a sudden my feet went of the path and deeper into the forest. Alone at night in the forest is something I hate and if this is the 1800’s version there will be more vampires here then in the current one. My feet brought me to a place thatch could describe as a tomb. When I was about to enter the tomb something stopped me.


I ran towards the tomb I haven’t looked there. All of a sudden  I could see her she was almost at the tomb entrance where Kathrine is locked up. What is she fucking doing here!

“Isa Stop! Don’t go in there” I ran even faster. I could circle my arms around  her waist just into. I pulled her back from the tomb opening. She struggled against my hold. I tried to call her down but it didn’t work. When I turned her around she had an far away look in her eyes. It looked like she was inside a trance. All of a sudden her eyes go wide. She said Emily’s name before she lost conciousness. I put her small body in my arms and ran off. Far away from this place.


My body struggles against what stopped me. I saw someone coming out of the tomb. Emily Bennett stared at me wide eyed.

“I am sorry Isabelle.” She spoke a different language and everything went black.

~~Bella’s dream while is is unconscious.~~

~1800’s the day that Isabelle and Charles disappeared.~

I woke up in what appeared to be a cave. I wanted to get up and run but something was holding me back. My head hurt where Pearl hit me. It would be a nasty bump.

“your awake good. I told them not to hurt you. I am sorry she didn’t hold to her part of our agreement.” Emily Bennett stood next to me. I wonder if Pearl is still here. “ She isn’t here. I told her the spirits would not be pleased with vampires lurking around. It is not a lie. Okay Isabelle I need you to listen carefully to me we don’t have much time I am afraid.”

“Okay” my voice wavered. I was afraid what was about to happen.

“Pearl and the other vampires want to kill all the founding families. They want to rule the town. To protect you I am going to put a spell on you and your father. It will be a like your asleep. I will link you to Pearl. When she dies you will wake up. It will fool her to think your dead. I will have a friend of mine protect your bodies till you wake up. If it is in a time to different from ours, they will disguise your past memories until you are ready to get them back. They will lift the spell once you ask them. I am truly sorry Isabelle. But this way you don’t have to die.”

I looked at her wide eyed. I don’t want this but I also don’t want to die. Hopefully the town people will kill her. “is Kathrine also a vampire?”

“I am afraid so.” The candles that lit up the cave flickered over her face. She had a sad look in her eyes.

“Damon and Stefan…”I started

“Don’t worry about them. I am sure you will see them again.” She smiled and then her face got serious again. “I am going to start the spell now if you start to remember this it’s time for you to find your guardian. He or she should be someone close to you! Good luck Isabelle Swan”

She started to talk in a different tongue. She got a knife and drew blood on her hand, as she did with mine. My breath hitched by the sensation. Not long after my eyes started to get heavy and I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I ran through the front door of the boarding house laying Isa on the couch, with a pillow under her head. I quickly mad my was upstairs to get a blanket. On my way downstairs I called Stefan and Ric. I told them to come to the boarding house. They were relieved she was found. I hope she is going to be okay and will wake up soon.

I put the blanket over Isa. I looked at her pale skin and her dark hair sprawled over the pillow. She still was as beautiful as I remembered her to be. I was also relieved she wasn’t hurt physically. Although that is easily fixed with some of my blood.  Her breath was steady as if she were asleep.

10 minutes later Stefan, Elena And Ric came through the door. The rest of the Scooby gang followed soon after. No one knew what happend. We needed to wait on sleeping beauty to wake up.

Author note
Who do you guys think is the witch Emily was talking about?

And did you guys expect this spell that Charlie and Bella were under?

Would love to hear what you guys thought and what would you like to see happen in this story?

i hope this chapter wasnt to confusing!

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