Little white lie's

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Ki pov
After the boys came of stage I couldn't help but smile like mad.
"Jack.....ho.....wh......i......" I said stuttering as I go up to him but was interrupted by his lips on mine
"Does that answer you question?" Jack said smirking
"No" I answer back "but I'll take it" I continue smiling.

When we got out off the meet and greet I looked over at zach and saw a really worried look on his face
" zach you Okay" I asked
"Oh yeah just hungry" he said forcing a smile.
I knew he wasn't alright but I just shrugged it of.

When we got back to the hotel I started packing since we where leaving tomorrow.
"Did you notice there was something up with zach" jack said sitting down
"Yeah I did and he looked really worried and I have seen that look before but I can't think when"I say sitting next to him
"Yeah I know what you mean i haven't seen him that worried since....." he stopped mid sentence
"You okay what's up" I asked he didn't answer he just stared at the wall "jack what just happened" I ask again shaking his shoulder
"Since he found out Megan was back again... Ki you don't think...." jack turned to me with worried eyes
"No no no that's not possible" I cried "she got arrested" I continued
"Errr yeah about that she got let out on bail last week" jack said scratching the back of his neck
"WHAT jack why didn't you tell me" I said running out the door to Zach's room
"Zach ZACH!!!" I shouted banging on the door
Morgan opened it looking really worried
"Ki....Megan is back" Morgan said facing the floor jack came up behind me
"Ki....just wait a minute" he said trying to calm me down since he could tell i was getting angry
I ignored him
"Zach....what did she say" I said looking behind Morgan
"She....She said if she can't have jack then....she will have to have me....but it al..." he didn't even finish my sentence I was already gone
I went down stairs and to the front of the hotel
"Ki stop what are you doing" Morgan said running after me
"I'm gonna find her" I answered still walking
"Then what are you gonna do" she shouted
"Oh you know just ask her nicely to leave us alone.... no Morgan you know exactly what I'm gonna do" I say sarcastically
"Ki...your gonna get yourself arrested again" Morgan says stopping me
"WHAT....AGAIN?" jack shouts from behind her I look at jack realising i have not told him about me getting arrested
"Look Morgan I don't care the amount of things she done she will be lucky if I don't kill her" I yelled
"Ki Wait you cant do this" jack says jumping in front of me
"JACK...she nearly KILLED you and I really don't know what I would have done if you hadn't of woken up. And now she is going after zach and Morgan my two best friends...what do you expect me to do, I'm gonna go find her DONT try and stop me"
Jack stepped back and I ran off.

Jacks pov
I really don't understand what Morgan meant when she said arrested again. Did I really miss that much when I was gone from Burbank
"Morgan what do you mean by again?" I asked her
"Jack you really don't know the half of what happened when you and Ki made big mistakes but hers nearly landed her in jail...when Ki cares about someone she will do Anything to protect them" Morgan explained.

Ki pov
I found Megan walking in a quiet area of town
"Oi Megan..." I said walking up to her
"Oh it's Ki and the wanna be one direction Oh and can't forget Morgan now can we" she said with a sarcastic smile on her face
"Shut up Megan" zach said from behind Morgan
"Oh yeah and my baby boy Zachy who can forget my amazing boyfriend" she said going up to hug him but was stopped by me grabbing on to her collar
"Okay thats enough now it was a big mistake getting out of prison to be honest you were safer in there but now i have to opportunity to seriously hurt you which is what I've been wanting to do since I met you but I'm just deciding if I should let you live or you want to live?" I question her she nods her head
"Okay then there is just one small thing I want you to do and that's leave us all alone but if you don't leave us alone then I'll... well use your imagination ....Now run along..." I say sorting her collar out "you don't want to be late for dinner now do you" i continue smiling
And she quickly runs of.
Morgan runs up to me and hugs me
"Thank you" she says stepping back
"It's fine she got what was coming to her" I said then I looked over to the boys they stood and looked kind of shocked
"So what is sweet and innocent Ki back now" zach said laughing
"Yes zach Yes She is" I say smiling
He came up and hugged "right let's get back and pack up we are leaving tomorrow" I say as we walk towards the hotel
"I'm glad you didn't hurt her she wasn't worth it" Morgan says
"Yeah well being arrested isn't on my to do list so thought I'd better not"
"Yeah well keep it of your to do list we left that crap in Burbank" Morgan said sighing.

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