Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I've never known my father. It was apparently a one thing fling between my mom and him. I was seven when my mom died. Now I'm seventeen and living with my crappy uncle. He drinks he gets home late, but he's never laid a finger on me. He's protective of me. He doesn't let any boys come around me.

I knew my dad now that I think about it. His name was John, John Winchester. He took me to a football game on my thirteenth birthday. I like football, actually. I used to play football, but you kind of get judged when you're the only girl on your team. Besides my team doesn't accept girls. They are pretty sexist.

I guess you could say I live a pretty healthy life. I did until that one day. Where everything was turned upside down.

I blinked sleep from my eyes as I heard a yell I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Uncle Rick?" I said as I got out of bed. I walked down the hallway. I stopped dead in my tracks.

My uncle was sprawled out on the floor. Blood and guts were everywhere. I covered my mouth before I could scream. What if the attacker was still here? I leaned down over my uncle. I felt like crying, but I needed to get help.

I look at him closer. His heart was ripped clean out of his chest. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed the cops.


After my uncle died I didn't really know what to do. The only person I had left was my dad.

I dug though one of my mom's old boxes full of stuff. I could never get rid of it. I finally found what I was looking for. A napkin, it said 'John Winchester' at the top in big fat, sloppy, letters. Then in the middle it had a series of numbers, a phone number.

I mustered up the courage to finally call the number. I whipped tears away as I thought about everyone I lost.

Someone finally picked up. "Hello?" A voice that was not my father's answered.

"Uh," I swallowed down a lump in my throat. "is this John?" I asked.

"He can't come to the phone. Can I help you?" The man said. I took in a deep breath.

"I just really need to talk to John. My name's Fallon Marks." I said as I waited for him to put John on the phone.

"I'm sorry to break it to you, but John's dead. He has been for over two years now." He said to me. I almost dropped the phone. I wanted to cry and scream, but I didn't. "Who is this?" He asked snapping me back.

"I'm his daughter." I spoke slowly.

After thirty more minutes of talking on the phone with this Dean guy and some other dude named Sam we decided on a place to meet. Tomorrow at a diner in town. I just wanted to see my dad to be honest not this person who had my dad's phone.


The next day at around 11:30 or so I started to walk to the diner. I would be there around noon.

My dark brown hair was up in a ponytail. I kept thinking about my uncle. I couldn't help but remember how my mother was killed.

I looked up as someone called my name. I looked toward a table with two dudes. One was pretty tall with scruffy brown hair that I wanted to style so it looked better. The other was regular lean, muscular. He almost seemed on edge.

"You must be Sam and Dean." I said as I sat in the chair across from them. I still couldn't believe my father was dead.

"So how'd you know him?" I asked as I leaned forward taking serval sips of my water. They both seemed to observe me like hawks.

The Other Winchester [Supernatural Fan-Fic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang