Akriti sharma !

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Heyaaa... I am back with an interview off one of the bestest writer here urff Dids nd didu.. akriti_sharma
Most curious and creative personality...😊
Lets get started !

1. Tell us something about yourself??
--> hii.. I am akriti and i am very curious by nature.. I mean i need to know everything about anything.. From books to sports, rap to gazal.. Anything that catches my eyes become my area of interest..

2. Your birthday??
--> My birthday is 17th june 1989.

3. When did u start using watty??
--> Joined wattpad on feb 2016 and started writing in july 2016.

4. Your hobbies??
--> My hobbies include dancing, reading and writing.. have picked up singing recently too. As i said everything and anything under the sun can catch up my interest..

5. Tell us something about your stories??
--> My stories revolves around relationships for unlike the general misconception relationship has many layers and can be portrayed in several different ways.. relationship pf parent with his child, relationship between two lover or numerous friends, more importantly someone relationships with their own self.. in fact my latest story " Minutiae" is about a relationship of a girl with her grandparents... I try to be honest with the relationship I am portraying and in the process if the readers can feel inspired, it turns out to be the icing on the cake !!

6. What inspires you to write??
--> It might sound very philosophical but people around inspire me the most. people who know me call me an observer and that's what I do. I observe the people, their bonds and connections and that is what inspires me the most.

7. If there is addition to the crayon box, which colour you wanna be and why??
--> Definitely white. white defines cautious, practical and calm approach and is always ready to mix with others without loosing its or the other colour's shine...

8. Your biggest fear??
--> My biggest fear is reaching a point where i cant express myself.. like there are times when i wish to say something; at times someone known to me become my listeners; sometimes through dance and at other times my pen and paper comes to my escue.. i am scared of losing out on medium to express myself..

9. Your passion and career ??
--> For me, passion and career are two different entities.. they are like the two shores of a river.. writing and dancing are two things i am passionate about but at the same time i am making y career as a deputy manager in an MNC which has nothing to do with either writing or dancing.. but at this point both co exist in my life beautifully..

10. Your long lost dream??
--> It might sound weird but i wanted to be an actor.. I even hold a certificate in acting from barry johns acting institute but nothing could materialise.. so ya acting is a long lost dream..

11. First person you talked with on watty??
--> The first person was Itslikeametaphor.. she was the first person who spoke with me when i started writing here and a big supporter during my initials day here..

12. Any phobia or allergy??
--> I have the weirdest phobia.. I am scared of being around pregnant women. I cant have my vision blocked when I am in my senses it creates panic in my head ( just like nandini in cloud with a silver lining).
I am allergic to mushrooms when it comes to food and to overly sweet, show offs and fake people..

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