Arnold wrapped his harms around Helga and pull her close to him. "Your shivering, here let me warm you..." Arnold felt his heart aching by seeing his beloved princes scare and fragile. In his mind what happened to Helga was his fault, he should have been there for her, walking beside her. At that moment he breathed her in and whisper in her ear "I will always protect you" Arnold knew there wasn't a safer place for Helga then being in his arms, he didn't want that exact moment in time to end.

Cough, cough...

"I'm sorry for interrupting but we can't stay here" Suggested Andrew.

Arnold turned to face Andrew "Ugh, Andrew let me thank you for everything you have done for Helga and...please forgive me about hitting you and calling you well...bastard, for a moment I thought..."

"Don't worry Arnold I understand, I would have done the same thing in your position but don't thank me...I did it for her"' Andrew walked towards Helga looking at her with gentle eyes and asked "Do you want me to walk you home Helga?"

Arnold stepped in between them "I'll take her home and like I said, thanks for saving her" He thank him with a suspicious look. "What were you doing in this area anyways?"

Andrew smiled surprised by the question.

"I was hanging out with some friends over by the burger place when I saw Helga walked by and...I noticed two guys following her... I thought something was not right and decided to follow them from a distance."

"I'm so glad you decided to stalk me today Andrew, I owe you" said Helga still very shaky.

"Don't mention it you owe me nothing, well I'll be seeing you Helga sleep well...and Arnold make sure to take her home safe." Said Andrew as he walked away.

Arnold was still curious about Andrew being in the right place at the right time, but he decided to focus on Helga who was still very shaken and afraid after the horrible incident.

As Arnold and Helga were walking home he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Why weren't you picked up by your parents?"

She rolled her eyes in disappointment "Because they care shit about me, it's always been that way"

Arnold tried not get in to details about that since it wasn't the right time to talk to her about her parent's problems. As they were getting closer to Helga's house, Helga started to look pale and dizzy. Arnold begging to worried.

"Helga I don't think we can make it to your house... the border house is closer, let's make a quick stop at my place so you can lay down and rest a little."

Helga didn't respond. Arnold could feel her body weakening. As they arrived at the board house Helga fainted in his arms.. "Helga!"

Arnold felt like he was losing her. He manage to carry her up to his room and lay her down on his bed and put pillows under her legs.

He quickly ran to the kitchen to find juice and returned to his room in a flash. He begging tapping Helga's shoulder trying to make her responde. "Helga wake up! wake up, I can't lose you, Helga! Please wake up!...I, love you!"

After a few seconds Helga open her eyes.

"Helga can you heard me, Helga!"

"Football head" She sounded fragile.

"Quick Helga drink this juice!"

After Helga drank the juice she lay down again to rest.

"Your blood pressure dropped, try to relax Helga your safe!"

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