I frowned and made my way over to her, holding out my free hand in the attempt to stop her. "Stop, Dearie. You'll end up breaking your hand."

The second my hand touched her shoulder she whirled around, her blue eyes flashing angrily and she shoved me back a little. I stumbled but kept upright. "Damn it! Don't touch me. And what do you care anyways?"

I cocked my head to the side and propped both my hands up on my cane as I stared at her, frowning. She was nothing like my timid Belle. She had never been this... fiery... never so tempered. "I might be a mean, ruthless bastard but that doesn't mean I want to see a young lady such as yourself break her hand."

She gave a very unladylike snort and brushed past me in order to walk to her Jeep. She threw open the passenger side door and dug around for a few moments before pulling back and closing it. She was holding a small handkerchief against her knuckles. The blood was already seeping through. "Can we go see my father now?"

I shrugged and reached up to the breast pocket of my suit and pulled out my own handkerchief. I walked forward and held it out to her. "As soon as you are calm we can."

She glared at me and yanked the silky square of fabric from my hand. She arched her brows. "Is this silk?" I nodded and watched as a gleeful smile spread across her lips. She quickly replaced the one she'd been holding against her knuckles with mine, tucking hers into her pocket. "I'll enjoy ruining it."

I figured she would say something like that so I only shrugged again. "I can always buy another one."

"I bet you could." She put a lot of hate into her words.

I was used to it. I'd been hated and loathed and detested the entire time since becoming the Dark One. "Shall we go then?" She nodded and trudged back to the driver's side, getting in and slamming the door closed.

I slowly walked over to my car and got in, buckling up and checking to make sure no traffic was coming. I pulled out and watched my rearview mirror to make sure the girl was following. I reached forward and turned on the radio, settling back against my seat as my favourite classical music station started playing. I was going to enjoy breaking Bill Amatheon's daughter.

[Annabelle – Mr. Gold's Mansion]

My right hand was hurting really bad as I followed behind Mr. Gold's Lincoln town car. I ignored the pain as much as I could and snickered at the idea that Mr. Gold enjoyed having everything he owned gold coloured. It was ridiculous. When we ended up driving through town without stopping I frowned and reached for my phone. It rang before I was able to dial Mr. Gold's number and surprise, surprise it was the man... or beast himself. I pushed the answer button and held the phone up to my ear. "I suppose you're wondering why we didn't stop in town?" His heavy accent sent shivers down my body again. Then it suddenly clicked, probably because I'd stood and talked to him face to face, but he was from Scotland.

The question slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. "Are you from Scotland?"

I held my breath as I heard him hum at me across the phone. "You're full of surprises today aren't you, Dearie? Yes... yes, I'm a lowlander. Why do you ask?"

I narrowed my eyes and imagined kicking him in the leg. "Just curious." His chuckle across the phone sent more shivers down my body. I gave a small cough and gripped the steering wheel tightly. "So why didn't we stop in town?"

He chuckled again and I had to slam on my breaks when he turned on his turn signal and turned left down a small, paved road that was only big enough for one vehicle to drive on. "Because I don't live directly in town. More like deep in the woods where people won't bother me."

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